"As I have noted many times before here, the developement capital that we as hardcore Trainz fans generate is subsistence developement. In establishing it's foothold in the market, management wanted to act as much as possible on the feedback it received, and often tried to expand beyond what the revenues afforded."
Yeah, that and there's no "E" after "P" in "Development". Rob continues this mistake throughout his post, and I'm convinced even then he was trying to tell us something.....in code yet!
Just like Paul died ages ago and was replaced by a doppelganger so the Beatles could go on, Rob is trying to tell us the future of Trainz in his cryptic and often nonsensical missive. Notice he places the wayward "E" in "Development" a total of four times.
That's the clue; four "e"...foure....FURY! Get it? I've spent months pouring over all of Rob's, Alan's and Lance's posts (well....okay....maybe not so much Lance's)......and I inserted the information into a database, collated and cross referenced certain key words, and transcribed everything into Latin. You may be interested to know that when you combine the posts made here since June 6th of 2006, posted by members of the Auran Staff, if you transcribe them in reverse and translate them into the original Latin, you get a road map of sorts detailing the future of Trainz.
Or it's just complete gibberish and I've wasted untold hours.
More than likely....the latter.
Yeah, that and there's no "E" after "P" in "Development". Rob continues this mistake throughout his post, and I'm convinced even then he was trying to tell us something.....in code yet!
Just like Paul died ages ago and was replaced by a doppelganger so the Beatles could go on, Rob is trying to tell us the future of Trainz in his cryptic and often nonsensical missive. Notice he places the wayward "E" in "Development" a total of four times.
That's the clue; four "e"...foure....FURY! Get it? I've spent months pouring over all of Rob's, Alan's and Lance's posts (well....okay....maybe not so much Lance's)......and I inserted the information into a database, collated and cross referenced certain key words, and transcribed everything into Latin. You may be interested to know that when you combine the posts made here since June 6th of 2006, posted by members of the Auran Staff, if you transcribe them in reverse and translate them into the original Latin, you get a road map of sorts detailing the future of Trainz.
Or it's just complete gibberish and I've wasted untold hours.
More than likely....the latter.