Auran Frustration Continues


New member
I am the "TRS2006 Disappointing Hacker Software" thread guy.

Yesterday I dediced to add more disk space (new 200Gb drive) to my computer and today I wanted to reload TRS2006. Before doing so I thought it would be best to download Service Pack 1 so that I would be ready to install it as soon as I loaded TRS2006.

Well Auran Frustration continues for me. I cannot even get to their web page for downloading the patch. So I guess I'll just set this task aside for now.

Thanks to all those who responded to the "TRS2006 Disappointing Hacker Software" thread and especially to John (if I recall correctly) who offered to put SP1 on a CD for me. Cheers everyone.
Hang in there buddy.

After holidays, Auran should be up and running by Monday so you can get your patch. The 2006 is much more stable after patching. Just make sure your computer is wiped clean from previous installs as for the directory and registry, then do the patching-tango to the very letter.

The most common trap is to start up TRS2006 before patching, then you'll get a faulty install. Don't fall in...

Best of luck !