ATLS Bridge


Trainz Rules
I recently downloaded ATLS level crossing Gear & Vulcans Tenbridge and Bascule Lift bridges and thought could someone make one of these bridges to work with ATLS? Then They could be Taken at 100Mph!!!!
Please reply with comments sugestions.

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Best way to do this is lay invisible track across the line of the bridge and connect the bridge itself to the slave. It's the same method that's been suggested for using other creator's level crossings with ATLS.

Then They could be Taken at 100Mph!
Why would you want to approach an opening brige at 100mph/160kmh for? And I doubt an opening rail bridge would be built on a high(er) speed line. They would highly likely make sure the bridge is at a suitable height by the time the rail line reaches the bridge.

Is it me, or do some people think that the various train simulators are train racing tracks. (But then again it can come in handy if you want a quick look at a layout.)
I use the ATLS for my bridges but it is used to keep the bridge in the lowered position and only open when a ship requires to pass. This is how bridges are in the UK. Dont attach any type of track to the bridge only the slave. Boats ASB is also very useful for this type of situation.