I always see a Lack of Steam in the forum's thread's.
So, I have decided to start this one, hosting any and all steam power in Trainz!
Any country, Time period, or Trainz version is welcome!
Just post the Country, Steam Locomotive type and #, the era its from, and the content creator of the loco if possible!
To kick things off, I have my NKP Berkshires and Kanawhas from K&L trainz in these shots:
NKP 765 and C&O 2716 prepare for an Excursion through the Eastern Kentucky Countryside.
Here we see the dynamic duo crossing a Bridge as they approach Typo.
The Two make a stop at the old Typo depot as 2716 had a Blocked Injector, This provides an Opportunity for photos.
The two are soon thundering through the Kentucky hills again.
They Finish their excursion later that night.
So, I have decided to start this one, hosting any and all steam power in Trainz!
Any country, Time period, or Trainz version is welcome!
Just post the Country, Steam Locomotive type and #, the era its from, and the content creator of the loco if possible!
To kick things off, I have my NKP Berkshires and Kanawhas from K&L trainz in these shots:
NKP 765 and C&O 2716 prepare for an Excursion through the Eastern Kentucky Countryside.

Here we see the dynamic duo crossing a Bridge as they approach Typo.

The Two make a stop at the old Typo depot as 2716 had a Blocked Injector, This provides an Opportunity for photos.

The two are soon thundering through the Kentucky hills again.

They Finish their excursion later that night.