Anti-Malware blocks ""


19 Years of Trainz
Every time I come here to the forum, my A/V (Emsisoft AntiMalware) kicks out a pop-up telling me it has blocked "". isn't that the email carrier for a lot of Australia? Is there something wrong with the site that I should be aware of, or is this a false alarm?

False positive? Nothing flagged up here.
NTL and Blueyonder both Cable providers in the UK were taken over years ago by Virgin Media. Virgin still have customers using ntlworld email addresses and there are often problems with them being on one or two block lists. Possibly someone is displaying an ntlworld address in a signature or hosting screenshots from there?

So having had a look, Steve Flanders ING4Trainz website is hosted there linked from a very recent post, not his I might add, may well be more ex NTL users from this side of the pond.
I am about 90% sure it is a false positive. There are quite a few articles about Virgin Media messing up their registration with DNS servers, so maybe that's where this is coming from. I told my A/M to ignore the threat.
