I really hope that they get her back up and running. I got to ride an excursion on one of the Tennessee Central Railway Museum's excursions a long time ago. And by a long time ago, I mean twenty years. I never got to see #576, but if they get her back up and running, I hope that I can get up there sometime to ride behind her.
EDIT: By the way, Norfolk Southern GP38 #2879, which has been on display at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum, has been restored back to operating condition and repainted in it's original paint scheme, Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia #80. They just announced it on their Facebook page today (4/28/2016). https://www.facebook.com/tvrail
Nice to hear that this beautiful engine will have a chance of running again. It's nice to hear that there have been a lot of rising attempts to get static park display engines either better homes or in this case restoration back to operation.