AMD Grafix Card ?


New member
Hi there, I read about how TANE runs better/smoother with nvidia cards but how much difference is it between the two running TANE ? Like with the new amd rx 470 or 480 and the nvidia 1060 cards ?.....:Y:........thank you
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Subjective statements like T:ANE runs better on NVidia cards (rather than AMD ones) are anecdotal rather than empirical. There is simply no evidence to actually support these assertions.
However, there is right now a significant gulf between the two big video card manufacturers' highest-end performance card offerings. (Pascal vs Polaris architectures).
To illustrate this, a quick glance at the Tom's Hardware Desktop GPU Performance Hierarchy Table will highlight the fact that there really are not any single-GPU performance equivalents for the GTX Titan X (Pascal), GTX1080 and possibly even the GTX 1070 cards from either Intel or AMD right now. (Upcoming Vega units may well provide better competition in 2017).,4388.html
On the other hand, in the mid-range, I suspect that the perceived performance and relative smoothness of T:ANE game-play in a double-blind test of an RX-480 vs a GTX-1060 would be practically indistinguishable for most Trainz users.
And older AMD architectures like the R9 Fury X still run T:ANE exceptionally well (albeit at a higher cost per frame-rate than the newer Polaris GPUs).
So go for what makes economic sense to you, after consulting the comparative reviews. Some AMD cards are considerably superior in terms of performance (and T:ANE gameplay experience) to older Nvidia cards and you can see the rough equivalents in the venerable Hierarchy Table.
Shall we simply say that nVidia has a program to help game developers code to get the best out of nVidia cards. In days gone by there was a nVidia logo on the Auran web site. The developers all have nVidia cards but they do have a couple of AMD GPU equipped machines in their office. Yes they both support directx but some ways of coding will be more efficient on one rather than the other.

You might like to register your game by the way.

Cheerio John
ok thanks guys. about the registration, i bought a steam activation key from the wingamestore. i guess im too new here because i have to image verify before posting or searching. ok, there it is, i got it now...........:o
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If you're going to do it, go all out and get the highest end AMD, 480, whatever it is. Then, come back with your results on here. Worst it can do is not perform as good as a GTX 980. You'll still save money.
Yea, im leaning towards the sapphire nitro+ rx 470 8gb version. just bump up the clocks alittle and even undervolt it a hair and it runs even with the rx 480 without the extra heat but the prices are still inflated in both amd and nvidia camps...........:)
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But why? The nVidia GTX 1060 card runs cooler. The 470 / 480 benchmarks slower on toms,4388.html and if you look at the difference in electricity costs over the life of the card then the nVidia cards definitely win out.

The GTX 1060 3 gig cards runs about 10% slower than the 6 gig card. TANE uses DXT compressed textures for the most part.

On top of that N3V develop on nVidia.

Price difference on a 3 gig card is $200 a 6 gig card is $249 compared to the $239 for the card you're looking at. $10 you'll make that up in electricity saved over a year.

Of the 8 gigs of memory you may use 3 so that's 5 gigs of memory you've paid for and all it does is keep the computer warmer.

Traditionally the speed of the GPU or computer is optimised to give a reasonable life, overclocking will shorten the life, that's why most engineers don't do it. The heat produced in a computer is the limiting factor for speed and has been for years. Want to really over clock use liquid nitrogen for cooling.

Cheerio John
When does this image verification go away?...:hehe:... Yea you have a good point there with the 1060 but i would get the 6gb version because the 3gb version is a slower card.

The 3gb version should have been called 1050 or something.

With tane being gpu dependent and with the rx 470 it wouldnt take much to boost performance more and the overclock would be profile dependent to tane in the grafix card control panel.

It might shave a week off its life span if not going too extreme. I was just trying to save 20 or 30 bucks. I also run iracing simulator and couple other things.......thank you :D
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Looks like the emasculated GTX 1050 will be launched next month, but go for whatever card is going to give you the best framerates for the dollar outlaid. T:ANE is VERY GPU-centric.
The better the card you can throw at it - the better it will perform. T:ANE ran well on my old R9-280X, but it is way faster now on my Asus GTX-1070. (My power bills are looking better too!)
Welcome aboard, jokerx - I see that your timeline has finally begun to acknowledge your existence. :)
PC_Ace: Thanks very much for posting that link. I knew my R7-240 was a pretty cheapo GFX card, but I didn't think it was THAT low...

T:ANE runs decently on it under medium settings, but I may stick to TS12 until I can get my hands on a new GPU (which itself will have to come after a new PSU).

epa - the cool news is that with the much more efficient, lower TDP, modern GPU architectures from both AMD and nVidia, your PSU requirements are more modest than ever.
My new card uses half the power under load (and produces much less heat accordingly) than my old one, whilst delivering nearly twice the frame rates at the same resolution in T:ANE.