Altamont Commuter Express

hi Guys, I have had trainz 2006 for a couple of years and I am hoping to do lots of reskinning and creations. However I havent managed to make heads or tales of gmax and how do you reskin? What programme is required for that?

Hi thanks for the support :)

Will I need to get creator permissions to reskin for personal use or do you only do that only for content you want to release?

Thanks again guys


ok thats fine thanks :)

Are there tutorials for reskinning as well or is it as simple as importing it to gimp and repainting it and then i suppose exporting back to trainz?

Sorry for being a complete noob at this I have quite a lot of things I want to do, but I havent a clue how to do any of it, lol

much appreciated :D

Hi guys again,

sorry to be bothersome but I have been trying to paint a F40ph into Cal train colours. I am making some headway, but I have had some issues in terms of the fact the train before hand which was an Amtrak F40ph worked quite happily. However now I have run into a few problems.
Since doing some work on it, it no longer

allows me to assign a driver to it, inj that when i tell a driver to drive a train the cal trains are not their.

Also now when I select the train and sit in cab view i can see forwards but there is no window, not its as though the cab has no front, yet when im not in cab mode it looks perfectly fine. Do you know why this is?

And the final issue is that a few other things I wanted to reskin have

and gimp files

which Gimp 2.6 does not recognise.

How do I solve these issues, sorry about this.

Thanks for any help provided

Chris :)
Hi guys again,

sorry to be bothersome but I have been trying to paint a F40ph into Cal train colours. I am making some headway, but I have had some issues in terms of the fact the train before hand which was an Amtrak F40ph worked quite happily. However now I have run into a few problems.
Since doing some work on it, it no longer

allows me to assign a driver to it, inj that when i tell a driver to drive a train the cal trains are not their.

Also now when I select the train and sit in cab view i can see forwards but there is no window, not its as though the cab has no front, yet when im not in cab mode it looks perfectly fine. Do you know why this is?

And the final issue is that a few other things I wanted to reskin have

and gimp files

which Gimp 2.6 does not recognise.

How do I solve these issues, sorry about this.

Thanks for any help provided

Chris :)
This may help by getting Imaes2TGA but I don't know if it is for texture files.
Make another new thread, to avoid the woken up thread trolls? Or just add some here, since a thread already exists? You go and decide, I'm posting some pictures...

Haha, I think this bump gave me whiplash. :p It's still nice to see this thread again, its a bit of a walk down memory lane to what got me started trying to be a content creator for this game.... PDKoester, why are there more shots of my stuff coming from you than me? I feel like I am not taking an screenshots at all compared to what you pump out daily. Big fan AJ_fox, this is the FIRST route and engine I ever downloaded and played with off the DLS.

Take care,
Always! It's all nostalgia over here :hehe: lol

Speaking of which, you may need to update your roster soon, ACE has new equipment coming their way (2014 Delivery date):
