All fired, no one in the office?


New member
Hi Folks.

It's been a year or better sense I played Trainz. Monday (not knowing about the lay-offs) I payed $14.95 for the first class ticket. Opps!

I check my profile and see "Pending permissions update, please check back soon." It's been 3 days and no answer, no nothing.

Anyone hear anything about this??

Welcome back!:wave:

This has happened to quite a few people, but I seem to remember Mike10 sorting out a lot of it. You might want to PM him and see, although I'm not entirely sure that it was him...:eek::confused::hehe:

If you're looking for faster download speeds with your FCT, there's no hurry. Right now the speed always sinks back to 4.36 KBs after a couple of minutes anyway. Maybe I should try while US trainzers are asleep :confused:
If you're looking for faster download speeds with your FCT, there's no hurry. Right now the speed always sinks back to 4.36 KBs after a couple of minutes anyway. Maybe I should try while US trainzers are asleep :confused:

I usually download in the evenings (7pm-midnight) and just lately I've been getting between 36 & 80 KBs with no problem.
I'm on Virgin Broadband with FCT. :)

Well Alan Yeomans emailed me and the whole thing is my fault!

I bought my FCT under what I thought was my right user name, it was wrong. (I could not remember my original user name)
There’s no ser# associated with my new user name. (Da!)

So I've emailed him back to see if he can move my FCT to my correct user name.

Thanks for all the help.