Hi everyone
Please excuse my grammar/errors here I'm not the woulds grates writer.
I did thinking about how I shod start off here get mad and harass everyone, complane alot, but what dose that solve well not much other then make me look bad that wont get me anywhere.
If anyone here knows my idintey please don't reveal it, I want to remain unknown. I been content creator for a number of years working in secret on projects most of you already know about, I'm not the best out there or will I ever clam to be my models are simple and working but there not high detailed or the most appealing workmen ship out there. The time is takes me to make a reasonable assist isn't always easy I spend hours or even days doing the best of my ability to made that item, having made over 450 models I noticed my skills improve over time and before long I lured how to add finer details and repair textures I can't before. Content creators like my self are being forgotten as bigger and better models come out and before long my hard work will be nothing more the a paint shad model useless and unwanted. I don't have the skills to make or keep up with the demand but slowly I been modeling less or not at all or part way fishing a model.
I'm not complaining or asking anyone to see VIA's work I don't need the fame the bigger content creators can have it, my posts normally go unreplayed or noticed now days I don't have alot of friends and some have wished I dissaplare all to gather for reasons that don't make much scents what ever the reason is I'm not betrothed by it, thos who don't like my work or they are simply joules of my skills what ever there reasons are fore not likening me isn't really worth there time because I'm not someone that have that much skills what takes others days takes me weeks. I'm not going to point fingers at anyone because there are good people here that work hard on there own projects knowing that content creating isn't as easy as it looks, alot of time and money can go into it.
When I sit here looking at the forums I see alot of good and bad it's not always a cake walk to keep the pice or is it a fun and easy job, it's hard at times I know this because I have to deal with kids everyday some times there better behaved then the adults who look after the in my line or work, you may what to think of the forums as a school I don't need to get into details not to afind anyone or any I name calling I'm pointing out my point of view form what I see as a user. Having said that I see alot of posts about tane being full of bugs well let me point out that tane is a game and like a game it has one thing in common with all games I played alot of online games that have this problem and bleave me it suck alot thows who played online can relate to this as well in the gaming would BUGs are swear words among gamers bugs bug bugs there evil and make you want to choke your PC to death ok that's a bit extreme but I will say I tossed a PC out a 3 story window over a bug that crashed a game and killed my HD by thankful Tane isn't as bad as some MMOS out there and I seen some nastys in my time, all games have bugs its a known fact we all have to accept and live with no matter how annoyed we get. "Throwing you 850$ out a window don't help much" The big question that I here all the time is "Why can't they ever make it work with out bugs ( problems ) well I don't know I do know throw out time bugs have been in games for years and there not going to just all drop dead because we want a buggy free game. If it was bug free then tacks would have nothing to fix and no one wants to lose there job I guess I'm use to bugs but they are annoying.
Over time things change Steam was ones the backbone of are life's then they wore phased out by diesel trains then trucks started to apare and soon railroads wore taken up, you do see were I'm going with this don't you ? not everything was lost today the woulds foolishly got its mind set on bigger, faster, better and bigger isn't always better everything has a starting point if you plant a seed it grows into a large tree over time. Now days I'm seeing models being made like they wore nothing done it days with little effored put into it no one cares as long as its purifect and the bust. then there are guys like me off in the corner forgotten and rarely noticed who work hard at there skills to make a model they feel is the best work they have done.
I said enofe I'm not trying to shew/afiend out anyone or pick on groups or insailt anyone here, I'm posting my feeling of my point of view form my end of a much larger tree that are my own point of views and may not relate to anyone other then my self.
Please take this with a grain of salt.
If at any point I did anyone wrong in any way (now and in the past) apogees for upsetting you, even thow I don't recall what it was about online and mostly forget about online matters easier the real matters in the real would.
Thank you for listing
Please excuse my grammar/errors here I'm not the woulds grates writer.
I did thinking about how I shod start off here get mad and harass everyone, complane alot, but what dose that solve well not much other then make me look bad that wont get me anywhere.
If anyone here knows my idintey please don't reveal it, I want to remain unknown. I been content creator for a number of years working in secret on projects most of you already know about, I'm not the best out there or will I ever clam to be my models are simple and working but there not high detailed or the most appealing workmen ship out there. The time is takes me to make a reasonable assist isn't always easy I spend hours or even days doing the best of my ability to made that item, having made over 450 models I noticed my skills improve over time and before long I lured how to add finer details and repair textures I can't before. Content creators like my self are being forgotten as bigger and better models come out and before long my hard work will be nothing more the a paint shad model useless and unwanted. I don't have the skills to make or keep up with the demand but slowly I been modeling less or not at all or part way fishing a model.
I'm not complaining or asking anyone to see VIA's work I don't need the fame the bigger content creators can have it, my posts normally go unreplayed or noticed now days I don't have alot of friends and some have wished I dissaplare all to gather for reasons that don't make much scents what ever the reason is I'm not betrothed by it, thos who don't like my work or they are simply joules of my skills what ever there reasons are fore not likening me isn't really worth there time because I'm not someone that have that much skills what takes others days takes me weeks. I'm not going to point fingers at anyone because there are good people here that work hard on there own projects knowing that content creating isn't as easy as it looks, alot of time and money can go into it.
When I sit here looking at the forums I see alot of good and bad it's not always a cake walk to keep the pice or is it a fun and easy job, it's hard at times I know this because I have to deal with kids everyday some times there better behaved then the adults who look after the in my line or work, you may what to think of the forums as a school I don't need to get into details not to afind anyone or any I name calling I'm pointing out my point of view form what I see as a user. Having said that I see alot of posts about tane being full of bugs well let me point out that tane is a game and like a game it has one thing in common with all games I played alot of online games that have this problem and bleave me it suck alot thows who played online can relate to this as well in the gaming would BUGs are swear words among gamers bugs bug bugs there evil and make you want to choke your PC to death ok that's a bit extreme but I will say I tossed a PC out a 3 story window over a bug that crashed a game and killed my HD by thankful Tane isn't as bad as some MMOS out there and I seen some nastys in my time, all games have bugs its a known fact we all have to accept and live with no matter how annoyed we get. "Throwing you 850$ out a window don't help much" The big question that I here all the time is "Why can't they ever make it work with out bugs ( problems ) well I don't know I do know throw out time bugs have been in games for years and there not going to just all drop dead because we want a buggy free game. If it was bug free then tacks would have nothing to fix and no one wants to lose there job I guess I'm use to bugs but they are annoying.
Over time things change Steam was ones the backbone of are life's then they wore phased out by diesel trains then trucks started to apare and soon railroads wore taken up, you do see were I'm going with this don't you ? not everything was lost today the woulds foolishly got its mind set on bigger, faster, better and bigger isn't always better everything has a starting point if you plant a seed it grows into a large tree over time. Now days I'm seeing models being made like they wore nothing done it days with little effored put into it no one cares as long as its purifect and the bust. then there are guys like me off in the corner forgotten and rarely noticed who work hard at there skills to make a model they feel is the best work they have done.
I said enofe I'm not trying to shew/afiend out anyone or pick on groups or insailt anyone here, I'm posting my feeling of my point of view form my end of a much larger tree that are my own point of views and may not relate to anyone other then my self.
Please take this with a grain of salt.
If at any point I did anyone wrong in any way (now and in the past) apogees for upsetting you, even thow I don't recall what it was about online and mostly forget about online matters easier the real matters in the real would.
Thank you for listing