All about railways in Indonesia (beware of HD pics)

.. thankz a lot, arya, for making available ..

purchased, downloaded and installed :
- easy and quick
- stunning appearance
- impressive guide (pdf in download)
- very well cared for ..

.. terima kasih banyak, kurotrick ..


Seems the original creator had good sense for making "what would happen if ESS3200 was painted in NS yellow color" :hehe: anyway, thanks for your compliment to both me and kurotrick ;)
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This is a wonderful Thread on Indonesian Railroads and Historical items noted here.

Thank you so much for sharing with us. :p

I usually checks if the historical facts etc is correct or not, but anyway regarding the ESS3200 in "later cyan color" I found out that the color on some photograph was more likely a mixture of darkish cyan and water blue, which makes more difficult to find out which color is closer to the real ones. :o

***Please note that this post is NOT INTENDED FOR SPREADING POLITICAL ISSUES***

(Original video by Yusril Rizky Pratama)

Following the completion of most part of construction work for Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway (JBHSR) by PT. Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China (KCIC) and construction corporations hired from both countries (including the installation of 25kV 50Hz AC overhead line), the official trial run between Halim and Tegalluar has been commenced by KCIC on May 19th, 2023. At first the KCIC400AF series EMU (both the regular and inspection trainsets) would run in lower speeds like 80km/h, but eventually it would be raised up to the planned commercial max speed, which is 350km/h. For this official trial run, the overhead line is temporarily powered with 27.5kV instead of the 25kV for ensuring that the trains could operate with slightly higher overhead line voltage (in case if there is a slight surge that pushed the voltage past 25kV).

Here are the photos of KCIC400AF series EMU in its trial run:

1. KCIC400AF-CIT (inspection trainset)


(Original photo : M. Bintang Nurandi Putra)

2. KCIC400AF (regular trainset)


(Original photo : Septian Alfiansyah)

Hopefully no accidents occurred on the Jakarta-Bandung HSR, as the derailment of CPG-500 track laying machine back in December 2022 damaged the image of both Jakarta-Bandung HSR and Indonesia in the international world...


NOTE : although the trial run photos shows the train running on the left track, but it seems that after the opening of Jakarta-Bandung HSR trains would run on the right track, following the regulation defined by Ministry of Transportation regarding the basic concept of railway operation in Indonesia.
One interesting fact from Jakarta-Bandung HSR itself is that the overhead line pylons are somewhat unique, possibly derived from Germany, French and Japanese design. :)
Recently an Indonesian railfan posted on his Twitter account that someone scanned his late father's film collection, and uploaded a photo that instantly shaked many people in Indonesia's social media world :


(original photo was posted by a Facebook account named "Kuro Bvnovr", reposted by Fajar Nugros on his Twitter account)

This is the photo of BB303 16 taken some time in late 1970s, which is infamous among many people in Indonesia as one of the locomotive that was almost completely destroyed in the head-on collision occurred on October 19th, 1987 (popularly known as "Bintaro Tragedy" due to the collision site located near Bintaro, and later known as "First Bintaro Tragedy" due to collision of an ex-Tokyo Metro 7000 series EMU with fuel carrier truck at the now-closed grade crossing of Bintaro Permai street on December 9th, 2013 near the site of head-on collision, infamously named as "Second Bintaro Tragedy"). While there is no clear documentation of BB303 16's look just before the collision with another train led by BB306 16, this photo shows the original look of BB303 16 when it was still relatively brand new (not long after it was delivered from Henschel & Sohn to the then PJKA). Unlike later batches of BB303 locomotives that were finished in the standard "winged wheel" logo with V-shaped front end of its classical cream and dark green color, first and second batch locomotives of BB303 series (including BB303 16) were delivered with "Wahana Daya Pertiwi" emblem (cast plate) and all-dark green front end.

And if you looked closely to the coupler, BB303 16 (and other locomotives procured directly by Indonesian Railways until 1980s) sported a slightly modified version of Janney (AAR) coupler that allows the insertion of adapter coupler when pulling rolling stocks still fitted with Norwegian coupler, especially those inherited by Indonesian Railways from predecessor companies dated back from Dutch East Indies era like Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NIS), Staatsspoorwegen (SS), Semarang-Cheribon Stoomtram Maatschappij (SCS), etc. This type of Janney coupler is ironically still used up to this day on some locomotives of Indonesian Railways, including the remaining examples of BB303. Even BB303 25 (BB303 78 04) of Padang depot that was moved to Sawahlunto depot (of course after it was repainted back to its original color, albeit with the current corporate logo of Indonesian Railways) had its coupler in the 1970s condition : having Janney-to-Norwegian adapter coupler inserted into its Janney coupler, in order to pull the Norwegian coupler-fitted E10 60 (known as "Mak Itam") and I-20301 (inspection coach now based at Sawahlunto museum).
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Seems needed a bit of bump here...

In October 2023, the Indonesian Railway has revived the sleeper car service on Bima train, with the addition of the new Argo Semeru train this time due to Bima-Argo Semeru operating with three same trainsets for four trips (trains #17, #18, #59, #60). There are three 1st class sleeper cars built for use in each three trainsets, modified from ordinary 1st class seater cars made in 2008, with the 4th unit intended for backup unit is still undergoing modification as of now. The fare from Surabaya is around US$145, while from Yogyakarta is around US$106. The sleeper car itself is counted as luxury service, with different experience you will get inside.



Recently the Yogyakarta workshops of Indonesian Railways had repainted CC201 129R (CC201 83 48) back into its Perumka colors, albeit with the current logo of Indonesian Railways. Currently CC201 129R is the only CC201 locomotive in Java that had its cab rebuilt to the ones similar with CC203, after its sister locomotive who also received similar rebuilt when they were still at South Sumatra division (which is CC201 130R a.k.a CC201 83 49) was scrapped some times between late 2022 and early 2023 after it was declared "damaged beyond economical repair" due to fatal collision with a trailer at unguarded grade crossing on April 2018.

Other similar 4 locomotives in both South Sumatra and Lampung divisions (which are CC201 86R, CC201 111R, CC201 120R and CC201 137R) are still wearing their Perumka colors (also with the current logo), but with the fact that CC201 120R was damaged after slamming into a sugarcane carrier truck at grade crossing it is unclear whether the number of those unique locomotives would reduce further or not.

The above video shows CC201 129R pulling local train around Surabaya city, with the main scenes were taken at Dupak street grade crossing located right beside the Pusat Grosir Surabaya that straddles above the track that connects Surabaya Pasar Turi station with Kalimas, Sidotopo and Surabaya Gubeng through Mesigit Wye. Since CC201 129R kept its South Sumatra airhorn (Nathan K1L?) that is the same with those fitted to CC202 (EMD G26MC-2U) and CC205 (EMD GT38ACe), many rail fans would easily recognize its presence even from the far distance.



Starting from mid-December, Indonesian Railways started to operate newly-built stainless steel coaches, which began to be constructed by INKA at their Madiun workshops from October 2023. Compared to the previous generation (2018 and 2019-built stainless steel coaches), they featured vast number of major improvements :

1. Introduction of safer gangway connection, like those used by DEMU and EMUs built by INKA
2. Usage of new seat moquette on both Executive and Luxury coaches (possibly also on Economy class, if they began to appear next year)
3. Employment of newly-designed PIDS, with the same design with the ones used by KCIC400AF series EMU of Jakarta-Bandung Hi-speed Railway but having full-color LED unit (possibly)
4. Complete redesign of interior to increase its attractivity within passengers, including the interior lighting and air duct
5. Reintroduction of button-operated automatic door to increase safety and comfort
6. Improvement of noise insulation for increasing comfort, even if the train speeds up to 120km/h
7. Outdoor unit for air conditioner is installed with the traditional configuration (above the bogie), while water tank is installed on the centermost position (as opposed to 2018 and 2019-built coaches, which has outdoor unit placed on the center part of roof)

Here are the interior of each cars (all photos are courtesy of Mr. Ikko Haidar) :

1. Executive class


2. Luxury class


3. Dining car


4. Close-up look to one of the seat in Executive class


5. PIDS equipment (note that the toilet is divided to men and women-only)


6. Lavatory (WC), which is also equipped with foot washer


7. Automatic door with electrically-operated mechanism (instead of pneumatic ones)


And this is the exterior photo of these brand new coaches (in this case the ones used by Argo Dwipangga and Argo Lawu), officially published by PT. INKA as its manufacturer :


Note that first batch of these coaches are allocated to specific trains, hence they adorned different color design for each trainsets. However, there is a possibility that ordinary trainsets (which are not specifically allocated to a train) would also appear in the near time.
Long time not bringing this thread back, so I decided to show a partially Trainz Simulator-related video dedicated to Mr. Daveric (zsuda) whose his late father was the station master of Spoorwegstation Soekaboemi in 1940:

This video shows SS1400 (D14) locomotive asset prepared by Mr. Patrick Lesmana (a.k.a kurotrick) and his colleague Edo Oktavian for the Staatsspoorwegen version of Greater Jakarta railway route intended for TRS19 and upper. While the post-independence version of same locomotive has been already released here, those who wants to download it had to fill a simple survey (unfortunately in Indonesian only) for determining user's preference regarding Indonesian heritage content for Trainz Simulator

And here is an interesting screenshot for everyone here, of course having relation to real life ones :


This screenshot shows the TRS19 version of electrically-powered traverser of Manggarai Workshops (Balai Yasa Manggarai), complete with the steam-powered Figee railway crane that dates back to Staatsspoorwegen days. In real life, this Figee crane was deployed by PJKA for clearing wreck of Bintaro crash occurred on October 19th, 1987, towed by one BB304 locomotive to the site. Currently this crane has been preserved in static condition at the premises of Manggarai Workshops.
Unfortunately the route itself is still under construction as of March 1st, but of course large stations like Buitenzorg (Bogor), Manggarai, Weltevreden (Gambir), Meester Cornelis (Jatinegara) and Batavia-Benedenstad (Jakarta Kota) would be covered in that route (likely ESS electric motor cars would be also available along with the route, along with ESS3000, ESS3200 etc). And all of objects were made according to the real ones, based on blueprints made by SS in the past (even the "springbed rackets" a.k.a overhead line tensioning equipments for sidings, as well as the standard mechanical signals of SS are also accurately made). 😁



Even the famous "X-letter" shunt signals (sinyal langsir) is also in progress. 😁

And also the "patok tanah SS" a.k.a land ownership marker stake of SS :

While all of them are render image, but it is basically related to the real ones. 😁
Recently a railfan from "sesepuh"*1 generation posted this archive photo in Facebook :


Original source is here.

This is the diagram of Tanjung Priok sea port (still written with the older Van Ophuijsen spelling system as Tandjong Priok, along with additional title "Haven van Batavia") that also shows track diagram of earlier (1st generation) spoorwegstation Tandjong Priok*2 located inside the sea port. This station would be replaced with the currently exist 2nd generation station due to large scale redevelopment in order to allow larger ships entering Tandjong Priok sea port. Unfortunately the 2nd generation spoorwegstation Tandjong Priok is too large (almost on par with the even larger Batavia-Benedenstad a.k.a Jakarta Kota) and located a bit farther from the sea port, which eventually becaming the main cause of why this station had more freight trains rather than passenger trains today.

In today's condition, the spoorwegstation Tandjong Priok (now written as Stasiun Tanjung Priok) also manages the operation of following 3 freight terminals around Tanjung Priok sea port :

1. Sungai Lagoa freight station (Stasiun Sungai Lagoa)
2. Pasoso freight station (Stasiun Pasoso)
3. Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) freight station (Stasiun JICT)

Although Sungai Lagoa station originally had a connecting track to Sungai Tirem signal station located near Ancol station, but it has been removed long time ago due to track usage rationalization, prompting all trains from Sungai Lagoa to perform reverse switching movement to Pasoso station before they could enter main line track at Tanjung Priok station.


*1 : the word "sesepuh" itself literally means "elder generation" in Indonesian, coming from Javanese word for someone who getting old
*2 : although the official name of this station in Nederlands-Indische period was written in such way, but I think "Tandjoeng Priok" is more appropriate, as it reflects the correct spelling in Indonesian while retaining the Van Ophuijsen writing style
Greetings all!

Arya told me that something is happening here.
So, i guess I'd post my works here.

Recently, I've been developing Jakarta's Railway Line in 1920-1930 era.
Since i love European railways so much, Daop 1 Jakarta or Inspectie afdeeling 1 Batavia in the past has a special place in my heart.

Let's start with Buitenzorg, the birthplace of Mr.Daveric!


Buitenzorg Emplacement 1


Buitenzorg Emplacement 2


Buitenzorg Emplacement 3

The route spreads from Buitenzorg to Batavia which is Batavia's first electric railway line.

Buitenzorg - Batavia


Running Towards Batavia


Blokpost kebonpedes with late 1970 (for fun) vibe on it.


Tjileboet Emplacement


Tjitajam Station


Depok Station


Manggarai Emplacement


Manggarai Werkplaats entry


Former Central station "Salemba". Later become opiumfabriek Salemba.


Manggarai Waterpoort


Batavia Koningsplein


Batavia Koningsplein Emplacement


Batavia Benedenstad 1


Batavia Benedenstad 2


Batavia Benedenstad 3


Electrische Werk


Batavia Benedenstad 4

Everything is based on "Inspectie Afdeeling 1" book written by SS.
This book is a journal of Staatspoorwegen's stations and emplacement 1928 covering Inspectie 1 (Batavia).
This book was found in Tandjong Priok basement by a station worker in 2000s.
Unfortunately, i cannot share it here due to the document itself is very personal and i haven't had permission from the original owner of the book.
Also "Spoorweg Op Java" book helps a lot too.

That's all, i'll update something else soon!


I'm afraid I can't see your images kurotrick, they just show up as the image name in text. Hopefully you can get them working, I'm excited to see what you have to show!
.. looks amazing .. thankz a lot kurotrick and gondeschbahn (patrick & edo) .. also for the gift : the ss1401 (#9), from the photo of my father as a station master ..
big wish fulfilled .. you make my year ..
terima kasih banyak (hartstikke bedankt..)
most respect
