All aboard for June 24


since 10 Aug 2002
As per the May 17 newsletter, Trains Classic will be in the stores June 24. All aboard! :)

Also, depending on where you stand, Bloodnok either saw the light :) or went over to the darkside :eek: and will help "... keep Trainz on the cutting edge, fresh and interesting, ..." Congratulations on the cool move.
I chatted with James just before he caught the plane and he was a little nervous.

I'm sure you guys are all making him welcome in Oz.

Congrats Bloodnok! Make us all proud.

I had not read that yet. Thanks for the heads up.
And I had not heard about Bloodnok. Sounds like congats are in order.
anyways, i cannot wait for classics.
I am probably goona blow my wad of cash on that before anything else. now, here comes the hard part ---
Trying to get mom to accept the dough, and hand over the credit card:D
I must have a different version of the Trainz newsletter...?

My version of the Trainz Newsletter says:

***Production of Trainz Classics, the 5th generation Trainz sim is on schedule and aiming for a June 24th release date.

Trainz Classics will be available online from the Auran Shop from June 24th, 2007***

Somehow, my version of the Trainz Newsletter does NOT say anything about TC being available --in stores-- on June 24.

Aww I really do wish they send this to stores other then the auran store. I mean some of us don't have credit cards or parents who will let us spend their cash on paypal to get it. Oh well looks like I'll be waiting afterward and seeing what everyone else thinks before I jump on.
Aww I really do wish they send this to stores other then the auran store. I mean some of us don't have credit cards or parents who will let us spend their cash on paypal to get it. Oh well looks like I'll be waiting afterward and seeing what everyone else thinks before I jump on.
My father will jsut get it for me via Auran. Even though it takes forever to get stuff from the other side of the world . . . . . . .;)
OK, OK, so I was paraphrasing the quote. Here is the original, "Trainz Classics will be available online from the Auran Shop at from June 24th, 2007 for just $39.95 (AUD)."

Auran shop or stores, sheesh, they're both places where you can exchange money for things. :rolleyes:
All aboard for June 24 ??

Looks like the title of this thread needs to be changed. Seen in the Auran shop this morning - "This product will not be shipped until its release date (09 July 2007)." :(
Let's see....that's ten fingers and five toes longer...I still have five toes left so I guess it could be worse...:cool:
Where to start.

Firstly, to those that have pre-ordered, we will be giving (probably:))a free 3 month FCT to all pre-orders. We'll give more info soon.

Secondly, yes Bloodnok has made the move to sunny Brisbane and is settling in well. No doubts about it, he is a very smart cookie and his contributions to TC already have been invaluable.

Thirdly, YES, Trainz Classics will be going into as many stores and shops as we can get it into. :D Though, as always, the shop gets it first. Ask again in about August for when this will be in retail outlets.

Fourthly, not real sure why the date was changed, we are aiming for June 24th release, however our PR team knows our past history and...

We are accepting pre-orders, let us know if you have any troubles placing your pre-order.