Alex23 content outside the dls ----- NO


New member
Hi Everyone.

From time to time, I receive requests for content to be sent outside of the DLS.

Please understand that I cannot do this.

Such requests will receive a Polite, but firm No.

It is encumbent upon me to maintain the excellent working relationship that I have with many third party creators and Auran, and all agreements specify that content is only available on the Dls, or perhaps included as legacy content with Trainz.

The only exception too this is for the purpose of beta testing, and those testers are confidential, and will remain so.

I Appologise if this create's difficulty, but I will protect the integrity of the agreements that have been made.

Alex ... aka ... Alex23
Just because...

I Would say, Tell this to the people who ask becuse most of Us really don't ask.
You're absolutely right there Alex, they do.

Now while I'm posting this could you please send me a copy of the... oh sorry. Forgot. :hehe:


Hi Everyone.

From time to time, I receive requests for content to be sent outside of the DLS.

Please understand that I cannot do this.

Such requests will receive a Polite, but firm No.

It is encumbent upon me to maintain the excellent working relationship that I have with many third party creators and Auran, and all agreements specify that content is only available on the Dls, or perhaps included as legacy content with Trainz.

The only exception too this is for the purpose of beta testing, and those testers are confidential, and will remain so.

I Appologise if this create's difficulty, but I will protect the integrity of the agreements that have been made.

Alex ... aka ... Alex23

It's also illegal because it defeats the FCTs reserved for Auran customers, even so-called Betas that are on the DLS may not be issued without it.

So, if I upload content to the DLS, and then a user asks me if they can upload it to another site, that is illegal?

I can understand people saying that breaking copyright for an item of content is illegal, as this is breaking copyright... But, I can do what I please with my own content, and anyone else's (within the terms of their license of course).

Now, in Alex's case, he is updating other people's content to work with TRS2006/TC (And to make it work better under TRS04 where possible). This means he has to obey the restrictions that the original author has for the updates. BUT if the original author (say jetstreamsky as an example) allows Alex to upload some items of content to, say, the Razorback Railway site, this is allowed. Well, it is if I remember correctly... So long as the original author allows it, the content can be hosted where ever one pleases... Otherwise payware most certainly wouldn't work, nor would the Razorback Railway...

It's also illegal because it defeats the FCTs reserved for Auran customers, even so-called Betas that are on the DLS may not be issued without it.
I think you're mis-informed on that one. It has all to do with copyrights and license agreements and nothing to do with FTC.

By the way you can down load any content on the dls without an FTC.

Bob Pearson
Just to add to Zec's explanation, the Razorback always obtains permission from creators before hosting their content.
