To whom it may concern;
or to Author(Ish-6)
Airport Signs Directions: South
Please Note: I have installed pretty much all the "Airport Signs Directions, including:
* Airport 388 ( Airport NORTH Direction )
* Airport 390 ( Airport EAST Direction )
* Airport 391 ( Airport WEST Direction )
My question is:
I have search all the Airport signs in the DLS but I have not found the Sign Direction "SOUTH". I believe I have downloaded the three(3) "Airport Sign Directions mentioned above, but I don't think I have the sign for "SOUTH"
If I have installed this Sign or not can you tell me which is the number for that sign. Like for example:
Airport xxx Direction
Because I have looked all the Airport and AirportX Signs but I have Not seen one Airport Sign Direction for "South".
Is there a way that anyone can tell me if its on the DLS, or if what sign number or if the Author (Ish-6) can update one?
Best Regards;