First there is no program known as TRS22 Plus. Trainz Plus is the name of the program that represents the latest features for the Trainz franchise. It is basically the test bed for features that will appear in future versions such as TRS25. Development of TRS22 Standard and TRS22 PE is nearing the end.
I'm sorry you chose to take offense at my opinion of the idea that any version of Trainz has AI in it. It clearly doesn't. Trainz uses the term AI as a marketing gimmick to convince users that their human written code isn't buggy which it most certainly is. The bad behavior of the computer controlled drivers is the result of bugs introduced I suspect by work on the newest feature called Trains Living Railroad. As John reported, those bugs have been fixed in the latest beta of Trainz Plus. As I stated, no one knows if there will be a TRS22 Standard and TRS22 PE service pack forthcoming. I hope there will be at least for bug fixes.