AI behavior

First there is no program known as TRS22 Plus. Trainz Plus is the name of the program that represents the latest features for the Trainz franchise. It is basically the test bed for features that will appear in future versions such as TRS25. Development of TRS22 Standard and TRS22 PE is nearing the end.

I'm sorry you chose to take offense at my opinion of the idea that any version of Trainz has AI in it. It clearly doesn't. Trainz uses the term AI as a marketing gimmick to convince users that their human written code isn't buggy which it most certainly is. The bad behavior of the computer controlled drivers is the result of bugs introduced I suspect by work on the newest feature called Trains Living Railroad. As John reported, those bugs have been fixed in the latest beta of Trainz Plus. As I stated, no one knows if there will be a TRS22 Standard and TRS22 PE service pack forthcoming. I hope there will be at least for bug fixes.
I'm sure we all find typing AI a lot easier than computer controlled train, I'm also sure we know that N3V are not ahead of the game using AI. No offense intended, it seemed to me that you were dismissing the fact there were bugs which of course you were not.
I'm sure we all find typing AI a lot easier than computer controlled train, I'm also sure we know that N3V are not ahead of the game using AI. No offense intended, it seemed to me that you were dismissing the fact there were bugs which of course you were not.
Yes, AI is a lot easier to type. Auran always called the drivers AI drivers from what I remember even way back in 2004 when I first joined. With N3V carrying on the franchise, I don't see them opting for a more confusing name.

In the rest of the computer world, the so-called Artificial Intelligence is really no more than a bunch of code that is written so that the bot can gather information and perform other tasks including writing other code. This AI isn't any smarter than any other.

I've seen the term AI used in other games such as the old Flashpoint war game and in the more recent iteration called Arma3. In all instances, these scripted bots can do weird and stupid things. In old Flashpoint, my brother and I constructed some complex battles. In one of the battles, the computer player, aka the AI soldiers, as they are actually called even today in Arma3, decided to go AWOL and march off to a single corner and get stuck against a scenery building, causing the game to become so slow that I swear the framerates dropped to about 2 fps before the program crashed.
In the launcher for Trainz Plus, click on Trainz Settings.
Then click on the Install tab.
Click on the Change Trainz update stream...
Make sure the path points to your installation of Trainz Plus and click Next
Your username and password should be filled in. Click Next.
The screen should show your current patch stream; if it isn't Trainz Plus Beta then click the Change Stream button.
Change the drop down to show Trainz Plus Beta and click OK.
Click Done.
Give the program about 30 seconds and then it will pop up a window for the update being available.
Now if you patch stream was set to just Trainz Plus then there are a total of 4 patches to reach the newest version. Be patient. Every patch runs a database rebuild after the patch is applied but they don't show any indication that the database rebuild is running. I suggest waiting at least 15 minutes between patches to make sure the repair is complete. Don't worry if you start Trainz Plus before the database rebuild is complete. It will just complete before the game screen opens.
Many thanks, I will certainly step through this as soon as I get back to my Trainz computer on return from vacation.
Think of "AI drivers" in Trainz as being akin to non-player-characters (NPCs) in other games. The generic term AI has been used in Trainz (and other simulators) since wayback and I'm happy to continue to use it in that context.
As @JCitron suggested above, it is synonymous with 'computer controlled train' in the context of a Trainz driver session, but the acronym CCT would indeed be ambiguous.