AI behavior

Has anyone else been experiencing problems with the drive /navigate via trackmarks for AI since the latest update? One of the issues i have is that if I had a session running with a Ai going from point A to point B and save that session and open it up my ai will stop and start driving backwards then when it realizes it's going the wrong direction it fixes it self and continues its path in the proper direction. Second problem is that if i save a session with multiple Ai locomotives running from point A to point B then open it back up the ai will say no path to destination even tho it has a clear path with multiple trackmarks to guide it. I'm running trs22 build 123801
heres a clip of my current Ai problems in the latest build. for some weird reason when ever there is a block occupied by a train ahead the train behind will stop its commands and says no path to selected destination. doesn't matter how much times i spam continue schedule. but when the train ahead gets a certain distance away and i press continue schedule the ai goes back to normal.
If you've just updated and opened the route and run it, then I recommend opening up the route and session and saving them to the new version. (Make a backup first if you want). This seems to help update the code, and the drivers are happier.

The other thing I recommend is opening the route and running Delete Missing Assets. This is located under the Tools menu - the one with the wrench.
In addition to clearing missing assets, this resets the asset tables. Doing this has fixed weird things like this in the past.

And finally, if all else fails try a DBR.
If you've just updated and opened the route and run it, then I recommend opening up the route and session and saving them to the new version. (Make a backup first if you want). This seems to help update the code, and the drivers are happier.

The other thing I recommend is opening the route and running Delete Missing Assets. This is located under the Tools menu - the one with the wrench.
In addition to clearing missing assets, this resets the asset tables. Doing this has fixed weird things like this in the past.

And finally, if all else fails try a DBR.
Thank you for those suggestions, I have tried everything including what you mentioned, but the problem still exists at random times. I even deleted the game and made a brand new data base folder and the problem still lingures around.
I've been thinking about this for a bit. There's one thing, there are probably others, that I noticed in image, that caught my eye when I looked at it again today. You place your track direction markers quite a distance from the junction where the two tracks meet. Try placing the marker very close to where the tracks split.

If the markers are too far from the junction, this may explain the hit or miss, but why the AI will still scream through the markers remains a mystery. Just for kicks, try adjusting the markers and see how that works.

This is still a weird problem nonetheless.
I wonder of these oddities might possibly be fall-out from the conversion to the "streaming" paradigm. Anyone else think that this might be part of the problem?
i moved the track direction markers around and even spammed them on the track and didn't make a difference:(. so far these are the bugs im experiencing, majority of these problems happens if i start a session or load a save session
  1. Ai will stop and start driving backwards even if it knows there's a direction marker against it
  2. Ai will stop all its commands and say no path to the selected designation when it comes to a occupied block and will magickly find its path again when the train occupying that block leaves and gives it 5 or even 8 green lights in advance and me spamming countinue schedule
  3. the driver control center removes the Ai train from the list, and says "not in a train" and renames the train name to "consist" and sometimes puts the entire train under the ground
Since we don't appear to have these issues, there's something inherently wrong with your route. The behavior is actually normal. There's something blocking the AI ahead and if you are using the Navigate to command, they will seek any way possible to get to their destinations.

If you can post pictures rather than videos, we can take a look. Even better, if you can post a link to your route somewhere we can take a look at the actual route. A link to a Google-drive, Dropbox, One-Drive, etc. will work fine.

If you want, bring things back to basics. Trainz likes KISS. I would start by removing all but the direction markers closest to the junctions and ensuring they are facing the right direction. A direction marker works like a one-way or do-not-enter sign.

The additional ones are confusing the AI, I think, and making matters worse.

Check your junction levers. If you have a missing lever along the intended route, the AI will post up the No path to destination message. You'll also get the same message if they encounter the direction markers facing the wrong way, and they will then override the direction marker in front to continue on their way.
There are 2 Blogs explaining the behaviour of the AI.

i 100% agree with you but the thing that makes no sense is that if i had a "missing lever" or "the direction markers facing the wrong way" the point that the first train can follow its command with no problem but the ai train behind says No path to destination is weird. and when i press continue schedule it magicly finds its path when the train ahead is a couple of blocks away is also weird.

to make it simple to see my problem i made a session on the Kickstarter County 2 route and made a edit of the route just to add the direction markers and some extra signals to the route layer. i did this setup to show the most common problems i've been having with the Ai trains since the update **route file

in the session i have 5 Ai trains on the track and with 3 simple commands (station - trackmark - trackmark *repeat) .the first Ai train lined up goes to the first station with no trouble and continues on to its next set of commands. the second Ai train lined up immediately drops its command and so does the third Ai train and they both say No path to destination and the "continue schedule" button wont work until it has 2 or more blocks to travel). the fourth train reverses (for no reason) and disobeys the track direction marker and the fifth train is stuck watching the party happen. eventually after spamming the continue schedule everything goes to normal but then who knows when it might happen again. i never had to spam the continue schedule to get trains to move.

After searching through the fourm i read similar problems like this but the one that stood out was this comment -

The user mentions ". Trains ignore track marks and continue on their merry way on the wrong track, and then stop and back up" and "Two trains following one another in a 5 minute interval behave differently"

Also here's a next user noticing strange ai behaviour,

"The issue seems to be that a trailing train cannot see "through" a preceding train to see its next track mark." that probably explains why the Ai train says no path to selected destination when there is a train ahead of it and when the Ai train ahead of it moves a couple of blocks away and you press continue schedule it seems to work. all of these bugs seemed to have come from the Trainz Plus TLR Phase 1 & TRS22 SP3 Update
I'm surprised this issue hasn't been patched yet. I think we can all agree here that we are use to Ai trains doing dumb stuff when not giving enough track marks to follow or when you use the navigate command instead of drive (meaning they will look for a path to get to its destination even if it has to drive backwards) but this right here is on a different level of annoying. I typically run 10 to 15 Ai trains in my session. I don't want to be going behind each train and clicking continue schedule :(
Also here's a next user noticing strange ai behaviour,

"The issue seems to be that a trailing train cannot see "through" a preceding train to see its next track mark." that probably explains why the Ai train says no path to selected destination when there is a train ahead of it and when the Ai train ahead of it moves a couple of blocks away and you press continue schedule it seems to work. all of these bugs seemed to have come from the Trainz Plus TLR Phase 1 & TRS22 SP3 Update
I am a Trains + user running build 123794. This build broke many of my routes. I have had to add many more track marks to prevent AI controlled trains from stopping, or worse, reversing direction. I was one of the first people to mention that its almost like a trailing train cannot see "through" a preceding train to see its next track mark. In most cases of a malfunctioning AI train this hypothesis "explains" why I am having to add so many more track marks. Things ran fine in build 122411, the previous commercial release. Build 123794 broke a lot of stuff for me. I should comment that I have no assets showing errors and have done numerous complete data rebuilds to see if that solves any of my problems - it doesn't. I am also using the "drive to " commands.
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I forgot to mention earlier that I have also read all the way through both of the threads posted by p-dehnert;; I even bookmarked them for possible future rereading. Thanks again, p-dehnert;.