AI behavior

My question is N3V even aware of the AI issues introduced with build 123794? If they are, they certainly have made no acknowledgement of the fact.
'i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that perhaps the developers are not aware of this issue due to it not being reported.
your 100% right! i was thinking the same thing myself. even the first response towards my Ai problem here was "No problem here" . i feel like its a mixture of users not using that much Ai in their sessions, or just driving solo or just playing prebuilt sessions. so they probably never get the chance to see Ai doing ridiculous stuff to report it.
I submitted a bug report just now describing as best as I could the issues I am experiencing with AI and track marks. Trains not being able to see the track marks ahead if they are trailing another train. Trains stopping unexpectedly, and in many cases reversing direction. This happens even if you use the "Drive through" commands instead of the "navigate through" commands.

It would probably be a good idea if more people experiencing these problems with build 123794 reported it in the bug report. In my case these issues were not present in build 123315 so it's an issue with build 123794.
Good job! As for myself, I`ve got Trainz22PE 123801 and am mostly into scripting at this time, so all I know about it is what I`ve read in the forums.
Expiriencing the same since last update. e. g. there`s a track "loaded" with 4 trains heading to an industry at the beginning of the session. All 4 trains stay in front of a signal within their own blocks. Starting the session, the very first train startes operating while all other trains behind say "no path" and shut sown their duties. Only if the track is completely free, I can restart the train by saying "restart schedule".

At another point of my map there's a long distance track between two track marks. Whenever a train runs between those two track marks, all other trains behind cannot "see" the next track mark, saying "no path". I imagine: after teh last update trains which block sections prevent all other trains behind from "seeing" the next track mark. AI trains are no longer waiting for a track to be cleared, they instantly try to turn around or just shut down saying "no path". This is a completely new bug on routes which have been running for years now.

Another issue: changing from surveyor to driving mode, no changes are saved. Trying to leave driving mode leads to the main menu again and all changes in surveyor are lost.
It does seem to be widespread. With regard to your last point, @DragonsEyes (nice name, by the way, but the name autocompleter doesn`t seem to agree), that isn`t a bug. Leaving Driver for the menu **without warning you and giving you a choice**, however, is a serious bug. Feel free to report it.
I'm less inclined to alter anything until I find out if the break in sessions is permanent. I have some very large routes with many drivers and I definitely don't want to change anything until I find out. AutoDrive works well for long distances but what about those areas with lots of junctions? This is the area where the AI starts backing up when it needs to navigate through a yard or terminal. One particular route has a few large passenger stations and some large terminals with complex tracks and I'm afraid the change will be for naught. These areas used to work fine in the previous versions.
I just got a response from the QA team today (4/9/2024) for a report I submitted in January regarding the issue with AI controlled trains not being able to follow the instructions when following closely to another train. (Stopping, reversing direction, and other strange things.). QA responded as follows: "Please retest this issue in the next update, as I believe it has been addressed." This is indeed good news if the issue has been addressed and fixed.

In the meantime, I have selected one of my routes and have used the AutoDrive command extensively. This has minimized the AI issues in this route.
I just got a response from the QA team today (4/9/2024) for a report I submitted in January regarding the issue with AI controlled trains not being able to follow the instructions when following closely to another train. (Stopping, reversing direction, and other strange things.). QA responded as follows: "Please retest this issue in the next update, as I believe it has been addressed." This is indeed good news if the issue has been addressed and fixed.

In the meantime, I have selected one of my routes and have used the AutoDrive command extensively. This has minimized the AI issues in this route.
Thank you very much for the update. Let's hope this is true and the pseudo-AI drivers go back to their normal annoying selves.
Is there any further update on repair of this really frustrating bug?

My guess is it's part of the next patch, which is supposedly in it's final beta stage, if I'm reading other threads right.

SOON™️, I guess...

Hopefully it does fix the issue so I don't have to constantly monitor the AI trains...
My guess is it's part of the next patch, which is supposedly in it's final beta stage, if I'm reading other threads right.

SOON™️, I guess...

Hopefully it does fix the issue so I don't have to constantly monitor the AI trains...
Yes SOON! This issue was resolved in the beta version. I have a busy session on a tram route I created. With the beta, I was able to drive that for hours before I ran into some self-inflicted issues instead of the AI doing everything to sabotage the operations.
The beta that John is commenting on is for Trainz Plus. You would need at least a monthly subscription to Trainz Plus to access it. As to whether the fixes for so called AI behavior will find its way into a update for TRS22 Standard or TRS22 PE is anyone's guess. They will certainly be in TRS25 when it comes out. I think the fact that N3V has heavily discounted TRS22 PE in the current sale is a strong indicator that the release of TRS25 is right around the corner.
The beta that John is commenting on is for Trainz Plus. You would need at least a monthly subscription to Trainz Plus to access it. As to whether the fixes for so called AI behavior will find its way into a update for TRS22 Standard or TRS22 PE is anyone's guess. They will certainly be in TRS25 when it comes out. I think the fact that N3V has heavily discounted TRS22 PE in the current sale is a strong indicator that the release of TRS25 is right around the corner.
TRS25 can take a running jump if I need TRS22 Plus to stop the AI forming static queues. The behavior is not 'so called' as it is recognised by N3V.
Thanks for the info. I have run (and updated) Trainz for a couple of decades and continually get confused over versions and their names.
I currently run TRS22, with a Trainz Plus standard subscription (paid annually, active until December 2024). I see it installs as "Trainzplus".

Does that mean I can go somewhere on the web and find this beta?
Sadly I am away from home on Vacation at the moment, so not able to try to update my Trainz computer for a week, but have not previously found a way to update betas.
TRS25 can take a running jump if I need TRS22 Plus to stop the AI forming static queues. The behavior is not 'so called' as it is recognised by N3V.
First there is no program known as TRS22 Plus. Trainz Plus is the name of the program that represents the latest features for the Trainz franchise. It is basically the test bed for features that will appear in future versions such as TRS25. Development of TRS22 Standard and TRS22 PE is nearing the end.

I'm sorry you chose to take offense at my opinion of the idea that any version of Trainz has AI in it. It clearly doesn't. Trainz uses the term AI as a marketing gimmick to convince users that their human written code isn't buggy which it most certainly is. The bad behavior of the computer controlled drivers is the result of bugs introduced I suspect by work on the newest feature called Trains Living Railroad. As John reported, those bugs have been fixed in the latest beta of Trainz Plus. As I stated, no one knows if there will be a TRS22 Standard and TRS22 PE service pack forthcoming. I hope there will be at least for bug fixes.
Does that mean I can go somewhere on the web and find this beta?
In the launcher for Trainz Plus, click on Trainz Settings.
Then click on the Install tab.
Click on the Change Trainz update stream...
Make sure the path points to your installation of Trainz Plus and click Next
Your username and password should be filled in. Click Next.
The screen should show your current patch stream; if it isn't Trainz Plus Beta then click the Change Stream button.
Change the drop down to show Trainz Plus Beta and click OK.
Click Done.
Give the program about 30 seconds and then it will pop up a window for the update being available.
Now if you patch stream was set to just Trainz Plus then there are a total of 4 patches to reach the newest version. Be patient. Every patch runs a database rebuild after the patch is applied but they don't show any indication that the database rebuild is running. I suggest waiting at least 15 minutes between patches to make sure the repair is complete. Don't worry if you start Trainz Plus before the database rebuild is complete. It will just complete before the game screen opens.
First there is no program known as TRS22 Plus. Trainz Plus is the name of the program that represents the latest features for the Trainz franchise. It is basically the test bed for features that will appear in future versions such as TRS25. Development of TRS22 Standard and TRS22 PE is nearing the end.

I'm sorry you chose to take offense at my opinion of the idea that any version of Trainz has AI in it. It clearly doesn't. Trainz uses the term AI as a marketing gimmick to convince users that their human written code isn't buggy which it most certainly is. The bad behavior of the computer controlled drivers is the result of bugs introduced I suspect by work on the newest feature called Trains Living Railroad. As John reported, those bugs have been fixed in the latest beta of Trainz Plus. As I stated, no one knows if there will be a TRS22 Standard and TRS22 PE service pack forthcoming. I hope there will be at least for bug fixes.

If TRS19 is anything to go by, TRS22 should theoretically receive at least one final service pack that incorporates all fixes tested in Trainz Plus just prior to the official release of TRS25 (or whatever the next planned number is).

i.e. TRS19 SP5 was released February 24th, 2022, only a few days after TRS22 hit early access ahead of the planned March official release (though got pushed back to May 2022).

I hope that's the case as I'm a non-Plus peasant (TRS22 Standard).