Advice for the Central/Western US Trainz Community on Auran Store Game Purchases


Toxic community hater
My advice for the general US Trainz Community is, quite simply: Use the fastest method of delivery possible, and do NOT use the Air Mail option, especially if you live anywhere on or west of a line going straight up through Texas, all the way north to Central Canada and then on to the Arctic Circle. This is especially true if you order on a tuesday: Your first 3 days are wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of that week, and as I've experienced, it will not come on the third day like it says. Then, Saturday ends the first week of your delivery week. Now, if you've only got almost 2 weeks to get the delivery to your house on time (maybe if it's a gift for somebody, or it's a gift to you), (almost 2 weeks meaning Friday and Saturday only for the first week, and a full week [but not friday] for the second week[because the event or whatever happens on the Friday of the second week]), then the thursday of that week is "Crunch Day"---IE, you have to get the gift to your house on that thursday! Right now, for me, it is the 2nd Wednesday of that scenario, so tomorrow is "Crunch Day" for me---I'm moving on Friday---and I can bet you guys right now it won't be here on time. As a matter of fact, if you guys had the money, and I did too, I would bet each and every Trainzer out there one trillion U.S. Dollars that my TS12 DVD, which I ordered from the Auran Store last Tuesday, will not be in my mailbox or in front of my front door tomorrow!!!!! if this keeps up, I will not be ordering from the Auran Store ever again!!!!!!!!!

Quite sincerely and furiously,

Kerry S. Freeman, SI3D-Hopeful.
Somehow, I figured out even before I bought my copy of Trainz, that it would take more than the 3 days quoted since I live in the U.S. and they are located in Australia. But, then again, I also figured out Red Bull really doesn't give a person wings. I guess some folks just aren't bright enough to figure things out like that or to make educated guesses...
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There's no need to make a guy feel like an idiot, you know. Anyway, as I stated before, I had a time limit of almost 1 and a half weeks. Tomorrow's "Crunch day" before my big move, and i NEED it there by the time I go to bed tomorrow, because early the next morning, I'm packing my bags and taking a military transport to begin my Basic Training for the US Air Force.
Ok, sorry, I don't mean to put you down, but this is one of those things you just have to know. A 3-day shipping time is perfectly plausible inside a country, but when you add international shipping, that automatically tacks on 5 business days at least. Just as American companies usually assume intranational shipping (as well as many other things, including the use of American Dollars, etc.) when quoting information, it's fair to expect Australian companies to do so as well. I have little doubt you will quickly learn things like this during your service in the USAF, especially if you are deployed overseas.

If time is ever an issue in the future, I recommend buying the digital download from Auran. Take it from me, who GREATLY prefers physical products over digital downloads, I would always prefer getting something on disk, but Auran's got a pretty tight game in the Digital Downloads department - no DRM, fast download speeds, high server availability, no need to install questionable, dodgy installers or downloaders*'s a good option.

Good luck and I hope you get your game one way or another soon.

*Auran and many folks here do recommend an external download manager when downloading the game itself, but some of these are available as browser addons and you are not forced to use a specific and questionable product unlike, say, buying from Amazon or Steam.
It's good advice for those who have little experience ordering products from overseas.

And THANK YOU for serving our nation. I hope Trainz doesn't let you down!
Good Evening Kerry
As per our website, we recommend allowing between 3 days and 3 weeks for orders to arrive (this applies to both within Australia, and outside of Australia). 3 days is the absolute minimum amount of time for an order to arrive (and is relatively rare outside of Australia, although I have seen it happen).

Generally, orders will arrive within 1-2 weeks, however situations outside of our control (customs, postal service delays, etc) can mean that orders are delays, and could take up to 3 weeks (in some rare cases, slightly longer).

If you have a 'time limit' for a delivery/order/package/etc to arrive, then I would highly recommend contacting the sender prior to the item being shipped, so as to find out how long they expect orders to take.