Acceptable number of assets for routes??


QR Clyde/GMs
Hi folks

This city route of mine is already using 449 dependancies, and I fear by the time I finish it, it could be well over 1000 assets if I'm not careful.

I am a detail junkie, particularly when it comes to cities, but I have taken care to only use items that are on the DLS.

What would be an acceptable number of dependancies for routes, would it matter so much if they were all on the DLS. I know if they weren't and you had to fly around the world to find them, then I know how annoying that is. So I will be making sure that everything I use is on the DLS.
Hi folks

This city route of mine is already using 449 dependancies, and I fear by the time I finish it, it could be well over 1000 assets if I'm not careful.

I am a detail junkie, particularly when it comes to cities, but I have taken care to only use items that are on the DLS.

What would be an acceptable number of dependancies for routes, would it matter so much if they were all on the DLS. I know if they weren't and you had to fly around the world to find them, then I know how annoying that is. So I will be making sure that everything I use is on the DLS.
Hi Colhad, I am not sure about an acceptable number but I do know that the more different itmes you use the more the computer has to load and therefore may slow down. It may be best if you use the same items (particularly in the cities) and just move them so we see more of some buildings in one city, then in the next one they are in the background and we see new ones in the foreground (that where previously in the background in the last city).

I think that the less you use may suit some people better because of the limits of there computer, anyway you go I will download it.

Col, first of all, Kudos on using only DS assets as far as you can.
If only more people did this.

Regarding the amount of assets; if you're talking about individual assets, which I think you are, then the chances are that only those with above average computers will be able to enjoy your route as you do.
As Craig says, the computer has to load all those different models into memory, along with all the different textures, and it'll have to do that every time you visit that area of your route.

Try and limit yourself to a set amount of different houses, shops, etc., and mix them up to get a nice effect.

If it was just for your own personal use then just keep going until your computer groans. :D

Think of yourself as one of the level/route designers for GTA or Half Life.
If you go over the poly limit for the area, then expect a rollicking from the boss and possibly a trip to the Job Centre. :p

I have re-used alot of things in the route, I can ease up a bit, I just think I won't be able to hold back with smaller details like monuments, fences, walls etc.

I think I'll be using Mike10's bricked up vidaucts as they are really good for city routes.
I understand where you are comming from Col the same Ol use 1 thing a thousand times rather than 1000 things once but like you I love my DETAIL! I hate those frame frendly bare toy non real looking layouts thats why I never finish a layout I want toooo much realism and unfortunilly there is so much good stuff never released on the DLS for one reason or another? (try my streetz splines i created them for OZ suburbia for this reason) But I do understand where you are comming from:eek:
Hi Colhad

There is no limit, but if you what to try and keep it Frame rate friendly there has ben 2 suggestions from the past,

1 is to reuse what ever you can, it is possible to resuse building and either hide them out of site from the line, make them look slighty different or use different combinations to make the scene look better. I have seen lately some amazing use of this on various layots.

2. Try and use as many low poly objects, just cause there low poly does not mean they don't look good, even some that people say should be only used as background look ok to me in the forground. Trees & Ground testures I think as some time the worse for adding too many poly but there any so many nice low poly ones now. It takes a little research but worth the efford.

Talking about layots have a look at a nice narrow gauge called Mariazellerbahn its european, It runs well on my machine but I would not call ilow poly but its detail level to me is great.

Hope this helps

Apart from doing the kinds of thinks Tom suggested to keep frame rates sensible, make sure you warn people in the description that there are a lot of dependencies. Personally, I don't mind if they are all on the DLS, so long as you post links to all non-DLS items. Most 3rd party sites are fairly fast in any case (compared to the DLS) - just don't ask us to work it all out for ourselves!

I think I'm probably the same boat as you - my Bridgehampton Metro route has 944 dependencies at present, and I haven't even completed phase 1 yet (which will probably comprise less than a quarter of the route). I'm trying to avoid using objects whose file sizes are too large (1Mb+ for a scenery object is a bit much unless it's something special).

Just my thoughts...

In all, just think to yourself "would I like to download this?"

I've looked at good routes before and not downloaded them because of the volume of dependencies.