a new route


New member
im new at the whole up load thing so if someone could help me i have a rout that will need to be broken into two parts for the size of it. it is over 500 miles of track and 467 baseboards in size. i know how to do nothing with uploading files
Contact Trainz Pro Routes or one of the other sites out there. Maybe they can help with a file that large. Contrary to the other poster, it's not worthless at all. The DLS will not be accepting 2006 and below content and that is quite a large file they wouldn't take anyway. A third party site would be your best bet either way.

Thats just a teeny route...mine has over 10,000 baseboards, 567 Mb, and has @ 300 miles of right of way.

Package it whole, as a CDP, for hosting somewhere else than on the DLS

What is the route name or theme BTW ?

It's practically worthless, considering it will never be up if you made it in TRS2006.

As for knowlegable advice from a 14 y/o ^ Just wait till your 09/10 route goes faulty, and loses its map, due to glitchs and continual neverending SP's, or if Auran goes out of business ... then you 09/10 users will come crying that 09/10 is useless.
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