A New HO Route


New member
I have no idea what to name it, but here it is. A project I've been working on. The track layout is based on HO plans I found on the internet. This is one baseboard packed with things to do. It can be based in any era, from steam to diesel. The feel of it is western, by means of scenery and texturing. It is small, but there is much to do.

It includes a large yard for those who like switching operations. One main line, that if you configure the switches correctly, the train will keep going 'round.

I plan to release this upon the opening of USLW. :)

Feedback appreciated.





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Great idea! Sometimes, all you want to do is sit and watch the trains, and you can't always do that on a point to point type route. The great thing about this route is that you can do a little switching too. One thing I would add, though, is a smaller yard somewhere else on the route, so that freight wagons actually have somewhere to go, and therefore a purpose for being included.

Texturing and scenery is spot on. Well done.

Best wishes,
Thanks for the reply, Padster! I liked your suggestion on a smaller yard so much, I went through and did one! :hehe: Thanks!!

I agree with the smaller yard. Nothing like a small little set out and pick up! :D

Very sound texturing work as well. I'm not sure I could do that! :hehe:
Getting better each version you do! I've been lucky enough to do a little Beta on this route, you guys are in for a treat.


Trees, people, buildings added.


It looked to bare, to start off with, so I added some more vegetation.


And there, here's your little yard. This is what space permitted me to do. I think its fine. :p

Very very nice.

Nice idea of making it like a model railroad, but on the computer.

Great work with the texturing and what not. :D
I found that I have more fun with these 1 board routes than I do with many of the multi-facited, multi-board prototypical routes, not that there is anything wrong with proto routes, those can be fun also, but those just seem more like work than play, and when I get home from work, I want to play!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

I might make and HO layout myself. Maybe one of my Smoky Mountain Central (Not yet built) and the local model railroading club's layout.
