A bit of help, please ?


Recovering RBR Addict
Ok, I have SCS 2013 (an external session builder) and I have an asset on my map that is named "oil field" and an asset named "oil refinery".
The "oil refinery" is an old asset by James Moody and the config does NOT contain the line kind "industry" . I need to add that line so that SCS will recognize it and permit me to use the SCS command "drive to and load at .........."
The way things are now I can load crude oil at the "oil field", but, I cannot deliver it to the refinery.
I cannot make that change, as the asset is a stupid Built-in.

There is a way to change a builtin config.
Edit the asset in explorer and copy the config file to the desktop.
Make the changes to the copy.
Now remove the config from the asset and place the modified one in it.
save and commit.
The system thinks it is the original config.
A bit of further advice in addition to what Mike has said - you will need to use Images2TGA if the asset contains .texture files (note - this is not the same as .texture.txt files).


Many thanks, that is exactly what I needed !!!

Thanks again, Ya'll


Un,Oh.....Mike that did NOT work for me
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Sorry I gave wrong instr5uction.
Save the modified config while it is on the desktop.
Remove the old one from the edit folder.
Place the modified one and close the edit folder.
Then commit
Hope this works.