3ft Gauge Content?


Trainz User
Would anybody be able to point me in the direction of any 3ft-gauge (914mm) steam locomotives available on the download station? I've been looking for a while now and cannot find any. No shortage of coaches and wagons etc, just nothing to pull them! I know there are some County Donegal locomotives on the DS, which would have been perfect, but they won't install properly alas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the links, USSc1798, but I really should have specified in my original post I'm looking for something more European in style. (Sorry about that, but it's appreciated nonetheless)
Try downloading them from his website, ING4Trainz. Plenty of 3ft stuff there! There's also stuff from other Irish NG railways too like the Tralee & Dingle.
Thanks for the links, USSc1798, but I really should have specified in my original post I'm looking for something more European in style. (Sorry about that, but it's appreciated nonetheless)

I'm not aware of any 3ft European steam loco's. There a some Swedish 1000mm Steam Loco's that are on a Swedish website that still look great on 3ft gauge track. (3 inches different in size). I think this is the Swedish site I downloaded it from; http://jocomms.webs.com/ - http://www.e-buzz.se/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=35 (If I remember rightly, you have to register on the site first before you can download) No sure... http://www.e-buzz.se/forum/showthread.php?t=36370

There is also some German Steam Loco's 1000mm on one or two of the German download sites. Will try & find which ones...

STR have one definite 1000mm Stream loco; http://www.spaintrainzrutas.com/download/index.php?dlid=115 TS2010. - Not to sure what gauge the other four steam loco's are on the site. (Possibly 1000mm). Click on: Descargas -

Descargas paraTrainz Simulation - Material Motor - Loco de vapor

Cheers, Mac...
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