Durn signals agin!


Sphenodon Punctatus

Here is NEC 2L signal guarding a junction. Points are set for normal and we get a green on top.


Points reversed and set for the diverging route and a green on the bottom. So far so correct. But this is a junction controlled by a signal box (tower) so I want to change that goofy looking hand lever for a points motor.


So here it is with a nice workaday points motor and in the normal position yes, I get the correct signal - green on top...


... but when the points are reversed oopsadaisy! The signal briefly goes through a coupla colour changes and ends up with green on top again!

In many many layouts I have built I have used motorised points and the only way to get them is to delete the automatic manual points lever and click on the one you want. The points and signals have always worked okay. Maybe it's some small detail I've got wrong.

Any ideas please?

Incidentally I've used the NEC signals coz I really like those shape based signals. I understood someone was working on the original shape signals the PRR ones that only use amber or fog-yellow (NOT green, yellow and red). Anyone got any info on these signals?


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Just a thought, but try moving the point motor back towards the loco and away from the spline circle. Also, ensure that you have a signal on the left curve track. Let me know if this helps out any :)
Thanks Mulie, I'll give that a shot. There is an intermediate signal just out of view so that isn't the problem.

I've also tried deleting the signal and loco and then changing the lever and re-installing the signal and loco but it still makes the same fault. Very irritating!

I should have pointed out that it does this with all types of signals not just the NEC ones which would seem to suggest the problem is something to do with the way I'm putting it all together rather than an issue with one type of signal.


The lever or point motor should be outside the spline circle (toward, but not to, the signal).

Strange things can happen with the signalling and/or AI when the lever (or point motor) is inside the spline circle.
Problem solved!:D

You're both absolutely correct; I nudged the lever away from the spline toward the signal and bingo! Everythin' workin' jus' as it outta.

Many thanks for reminding me to wake up!:eek:


Cool, useful post, I was having the same problem on my 3rd Rail urban route.

If I may Hijack, how do I get USA signals to use the third light? I've got three appropriate routes and it will only show Approach Medium and Medium Clear. How do I get them to naturally display slow clear?
You don't! :D

(Sorry 'bout that)

As far as I know the three unit lights have never been able (and prolly will never be able) to display that third light. Shame really coz it would add another nice touch to TRS.


Keep a sharp lookout

Do not despair! We have heard your voices and are almost ready to respond.

JonRoma and I are in the midst of finishing a project to create scripted North American signals. Please be on the lookout for PL’s, PCL’s, CPL’s, and GRS SA’s serving a variety of prototypical rule books. Hopefully, we will be releasing them in the next few months.

In the meantime, check out our GRS E’s and ME’s already on the Download Station. (Search using Username = JonRoma)

Look out for Slow Clear!

Hey Graham, good to see you and Jon are still baking some mighty fine cookies for us!:D

I posted a week or so ago about help with programming your GRS signals to which I have so far received no reply.

A lot of the stuff in the dialogue box is intuitive but there are some things about which I am not sure. Is there a tutorial or a readme somewhere that could help me?


Hey Graham, good to see you and Jon are still baking some mighty fine cookies for us!:D

I posted a week or so ago about help with programming your GRS signals to which I have so far received no reply.
Been busy and been away for the holidays – and even when that's not the case, I don't find myself here every day. You'll find a short reply with your other post.
Do not despair! We have heard your voices and are almost ready to respond.

JonRoma and I are in the midst of finishing a project to create scripted North American signals. Please be on the lookout for PL’s, PCL’s, CPL’s, and GRS SA’s serving a variety of prototypical rule books. Hopefully, we will be releasing them in the next few months.

In the meantime, check out our GRS E’s and ME’s already on the Download Station. (Search using Username = JonRoma)

Look out for Slow Clear!


I've been trying to get the C&NW signals (GRS E series) to work but also have been unable to get anything to happen, regardless of the settings in the configuration windows. The signals are unaffected by trains (stay red at all times) and trains ignore them--don't even get a "signal passed at danger" when a train runs one. I'm using TRS2006. There doesn't seem to be any kind of 'readme' file in the asset's directory. Can anyone help?

HI Lamont

Just reloaded them in 2006 myself, found a 3 errors 2 that I think I can fix but the third I did not I could fix so email Jon direct, did some tesing on these when they first came out in 2004 and they were great and I love them.

1. Tag "Orginzation" not allowed in Coronas Deleted
2. Grey.tga not found, probly not used, probly delete, asking Jon
3. Tag "Settings_table" not allowed.

This is the one I think is cause all your problems, It looks like it stores the info about the signal Home or distace and Absolute or Permissive. This tells the script witch sections to execute. With out it it probly this all the items in it are set to 0 and skipping them all, so we will have to wait for a solution from Jon.

Hope this helps

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Have written to Jon again

After correcting errors 1 & 2 I actually had them running and working ok in 2006.

As for Error 3 this one is intresting, Could not find my copy of the 2006 CCG so had a look in the TC3 one and could not find it, thinking he might have added a S to Setting I tried that, still would not commit.

Then Had a look at The German configable signals to find they used Extention instead and I knew they commited ok, so tried changing it on all the signals, they now commit but won't work, I am guessing the scripts look for Settings_Table to find the values.

Just have to wait for Jon or his friend again, Jon does not have a working copy of trainz at the moment.

Hi Tom,

Just a thought, what if you change settings_table to string_table, that will create a value array area too. Settings_table is probably a programmers typo in typing what it does instead of what it's called...:hehe:

Greetings from sunny Amsterdam,

After correcting errors 1 & 2 I actually had them running and working ok in 2006.

As for Error 3 this one is intresting, Could not find my copy of the 2006 CCG so had a look in the TC3 one and could not find it, thinking he might have added a S to Setting I tried that, still would not commit.

Then Had a look at The German configable signals to find they used Extention instead and I knew they commited ok, so tried changing it on all the signals, they now commit but won't work, I am guessing the scripts look for Settings_Table to find the values.

Just have to wait for Jon or his friend again, Jon does not have a working copy of trainz at the moment.


Hi Tom--

Thanks for following up on this--I'd posted so long ago I'd forgotten all about these (in the interim created some dummy versions displaying a permanent lunar white as a vaguely prototypical call-on so I'd at least have some excuse for putting them in). I take it that fixing 1 & 2 simply meant removing the illegal tag and references to Grey.tga? I'll give this a try over the weekend.

Hi again

/I actually thing the script refers to setting table, and this is the problem, if just setting up a area to store the varibles then what I done should work as it did in the german ones,could try it on a couple to see just in case I spose, if it works I can't send any one the fixed ones but I gess if I tell youall that read this forum you cal all fix them your self till re-release.
