AI Session: Each train needs "Continue schedule" before it will start


New member
I have a route, created many months ago, which ran successfully on TRS12 and, until today, on TRS19. All trains are AI controlled and, when the session starts, they all start, after processing individual "Wait For" commands, from different parts of the route and go about their business. Except that today none of them will start until I have inserted a "Continue Schedule" command in front of the "Wait For", which is a bit of a nuisance when you have lots of AI trains.:confused:

I must have altered some obscure setting, but after spending hours on it I can't find the solution.:'(

Another thing that has gone wrong, probably connected with the above, is that whatever I set the Game Clock to it stays at that time. I have set the Start Up rule time variously and tried the Environment settings, but the clock no longer runs.:(

Any ideas?
This is indicative of a broken script somewhere.

I recommend running a database repair and see if that fixes the problem before try something else.