D/loaded Freccia Rossa: not available [solved]

Hi, I just puchased and downloaded the Freccia Rossa for TRS 2019 but it's not available although into the Container folder (Mac OS X) is present. Permission are all to read/write for everybody as I'm using that source for 2 users so I don't think the problem is there. (BTW; the folder is not in the standard position:
- Users -> User -> Library -> Containers -> com.n3vgames.trs19
but in
- Users -> Trainz Container -> com.n3vgames.trs19).
Thanks for any help.
There currently seem to be a more general problem with the DLS, so I would not be surprised if that also explains your problem.

See this topic:

Thanks Oknotsen. Unfortunately my problem seems different. I have downloaded completely the Freccia Rossa. I can see the engines and the wagon listed on my mateerials but I can't sdee the route and the Freccia Rossa's payware download ad i still there like if nothing has been purchased and downloaded. Also, all the packages are presente into the correct folder. Looks like there's an index of the DLCs wich has not been updated. I'l try to contact the support. Thanks again.