Strange gridlike boxes / missing dependencies?


New member
Hi everyone. Man, so much to learn.

Anyway, see below. Many routes have these yellow boxes, and they are all over the place, at random and different shapes and sizes. Am I correct in assuming these are missing dependencies?





Yes they are to indicate where there are missing dependencies, not what though.... You can turn those off in the menu settings.
In TANE they are all the same size and shape so I would not necessary take the different sizes and shapes to mean anything (after all, what they are is unknown) but their general location and surrounding objects can still provide valuable clues if you are looking for alternative assets to use as replacements.
Where is this route come from? If from T:ANE, all you have to do is open it there, and see if there are any red boxes If not, look at the place where the yellow box is in 19 and extrapolate what is in T:ANE There is a possibility that assets working in T:ANE are faulty in 19, but I doubt it, most likely is that some dependencies were not imported and the program shows the fault. Use your logic.
Thanks all. OK that's what I thought. So off to CM to ferret these out, see ya in a year or so.. LOL

As far as where the routes came from, this and others are downloaded from Trainz through the download center. Working on trying to get all these dependencies found.

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One thing I found was some of the built-ins from TANE have not been updated to work in TS19., Mostly some faulty missing textures that are fixable and some JR stuff in which I just redownloaded from theyre website...
Only thing I could nt find theyre though was the PRR SIGNAL BRIDGE which is listed as payware?
Dave =)