Lights On Trees (little LEDs)


Well-known member
Will blinking white lights effect be removed from the TNM tree series?

I agree! The stores have Christmas things already setup... and its not even Halloween nor Thanksgiving yet!:eek:

I remember in the 70's & 80's, the seasonal items were all properly segmented/ divided. The stores waited until Halloween was over and on November 1st they started putting up the Christmas supplies. These days I noticed Halloween stuff being put up in early September and in early October I starting seeing the Christmas decorations going up. Disorganized. Not structured. It's like they "couldn't wait". When will they put up Valentine's Day stuff, in December? When will they set up Thanksgiving stuff, in July?
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I've seen Easter ("hot cross") buns appear in Woolworth supermarkets on December 28th (i.e. over 4 months before Easter). Nothing to do with lights on TNM trees (whatever they are) but you know how forum threads go quickly off topic....
Easy test: if the trees are 'flashy' at night it's a bug. If it's only during daytime, it's an environmental effect. Built in speedtree Eucalypts share the same effect but I can't say I've ever been blinded by the reflection off real gum leaves. Unless it's dropbears sitting in the trees carrying searchlights.
Our local Woolies has Hot Cross Buns out on Boxing Day.
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