Clutter not Showing


Ok guys this is what is showing when I create a new layer for clutter. When I pick new layer and get the pop up and you pick clutter, name the layer and save with check mark. Over in the left side now it says Clutter- Density unsupported an cannot be edited. Then I go back to pick clutter all I get is a big red square with nothing to pick from.:'(
Sounds like you density values may be too high. Adjust the parameters to Int4 and 10m and retry.
I was also getting the red circle when I was applying TurfFX. I finally figured out that some of the parameters were out of limit. It seems like there needs to be a better way in the layer to flag those parameters that exceed the maximum. I know that in some of the railroad stations when you try to add more passengers to the platform then are supported it defaults to the maximum allowed number.