Progress Dissapeared - Saved Route With Layer Hidden


New member
I have been working on my phosphate mine route tonight, doing a lot of the monotonous details that needed to be done. I had moved a road over to session layer while working on line markings, and hid the layer. Saved with the layer hidden and went to Driver to see how it looked without the spline circles and everything on the session layer has disappeared entirely. I've tried unhiding it in surveyor but to no avail.
That is exactly how it is supposed to work.

When you hide a layer in Surveyor (it does not matter if it is a route layer or a session layer) then save the session and load it into Driver, the layer will be hidden in Driver.

As to unhiding it in Surveyor, that has always worked for me so something else must be going on here.

A very obvious question. After you unhide the layer do you resave the session before loading it into Driver?
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