Need advice on Quick Portal Manager


Trans Europ Express
Hi all, I am having an issue with Quick Portal Manager from pguy. I have two portals, and I want to use them both with QPM but I don't see any option in the QPM window to select more than one portal. I have one portal working with QPM, it emits consists at the times I want it to but the second portal, what do I have to do to let it emit consists too?
Hi all, I am having an issue with Quick Portal Manager from pguy. I have two portals, and I want to use them both with QPM but I don't see any option in the QPM window to select more than one portal. I have one portal working with QPM, it emits consists at the times I want it to but the second portal, what do I have to do to let it emit consists too?

Hi RW912.

Quick Portal Manager is able to manage simultanously several portals schedule queue, but will only display one portal at a time in its user interface. So to define you schedule queue for another portal, just select the second portal name in the available portal list names ; you will have a display with a new empty queue where you can add the entries you want. And to switch between the display, just click on the [...] link located on the side of the available portal names list link, and it will list only the portal names for which you have already defined a schedule queue, and you may select the portal you want to be displayed.

I know the interface is not very intuitive, and I think I will rewrite a new version of Quick Portal Manager for TANE SP2 and later, that will have a unique schedule queue sorted by emition time, where you will define in the entry which portal is to be used. It will be much more easy to understand and manage. Of course, it will possible to schedule several entries at the same time if they target distinct portals. But that will be for Tane SP2 and later in a few months ...
