Zoom causing objects to disappear


Hello, I looked around and could not find an answer for this. When I place objects then zoom in or out they appear and then disappear. I looked in the settings and played with some but it does not fix this. This is in TANE

So here it is. Zoomed way out


Then zoom in a little...


Zoom a little more


Zoom again and ... Poof it's gone...


So what can I do to stop this behavior? Thank you in advance for any help
Based on the pics. it looks like the option to hide objects behind camera is active. To check/adjust this, open TANE, open Trainz settings, go to performance tab, It's the bottom check box. If ticked. Objects will dissapear when their "center point" goes off camera, thus hiding the whole object from view. Most noticable with the huge assets.
Based on the pics. it looks like the option to hide objects behind camera is active. To check/adjust this, open TANE, open Trainz settings, go to performance tab, It's the bottom check box. If ticked. Objects will dissapear when their "center point" goes off camera, thus hiding the whole object from view. Most noticable with the huge assets.

By checking the box, it totally fixed the problem... Thank You !!!
