Your Opinion on something


Route Builder
Greetings, I am making a layout, like you do and i was thinking about having a turntable and shed's but then i thought how about a yard? I mean its easy and you can have loads of loco's on one track at the same time with ease. But a shed is much more organised. I am not sure which one to pick. :D Silly i know but i love the forums oppinion as it is always the right one. Now i will stop jabbering on and let you choose. :)

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Why not have both ?
You need a shed for refuelling & maintenance of your loco's, & a yard to store wagons & create consists.
Greetings, I am making a layout, like you do and i was thinking about having a turntable and shed's but then i thought how about a yard? I mean its easy and you can have loads of loco's on one track at the same time with ease. But a shed is much more organised. I am not sure which one to pick. :D Silly i know but i love the forums oppinion as it is always the right one. Now i will stop jabbering on and let you choose. :)


Both work very well having a yard for the cars to sit and having engines not in use in the shed sounds like a good idea to me.

The opinion side of Beattie:D
Thanks! I shall insert a shed and yard in as soon as possible, I shall post a screenshot of the finished product here!
My opinion on something.

Both work very well having a yard for the cars to sit and having engines not in use in the shed sounds like a good idea to me.

The opinion side of Beattie:D

My old locomotive depot of Delec in Sydney Australia had an 8 road straight through shed and a small yard that could hold around 20 or so engines of various sizes. Attached to that was a wheel lathe road and a couple of oil sidings and a spur siding servicing a turntable and another to service the engine load testing facility (load box).

On the departure end of the shed there were several more roads to hold a breakdown crane, various carriages requiring attention on the wheel lathe or just more spare locomotives.

running around one side of the shed was a wired road that was used to transfer electric engines from one end of the shed to the other as 7 & 8 roads in the shed were used for servicing electric engines.

Granted that was the biggest depot in a large metropolitan area but I remember several of the country depots being roughly the same layout without the electric sidings.

And just to make it interesting there was also a portion of main line that ran adjacent to the facility with a small station for workers to alight.

Hmmm, I'm starting to feel like making another module.

I see, i am going to place a shed and yard on the outskirts of the city.

Another thing: What Should I Call The City?
I see, i am going to place a shed and yard on the outskirts of the city.

If your going to have a large terminal in your city you might want to consider having a medium to large size shed somewhere nearby for passenger locomotives and a large shed and shunting yard for freight trains on the outskirts of the city.

Anything is permissable though and truth is often stranger than fiction. It all depends on how much work and detail you want.

It is only a metro station in the city as there are only 3 train services on my route at the moment, one of which is the morning freight train, and the other is a postal train. I may introduce a high speed line going straight from one station to the other end of the line no stops inbetween.

I have named one of my village, town/station: Shining Time :D
My network (as its now become) has several depos, most have sheds for houseing locomotives/mus and sidings for carriages, but the largest (sof far) is the frieght yards which will have a roundhouse added to it aswell
Cool, I dont get the assiniging stuff to loco's so i just stick with one branch or mainline that has a long strech of track. with stations in between and a massive city at both ends housing loco's in case another is in use.