Yellow Signal


O-Scale Trolley
I asked this question several years ago and again last week on the TRS 2006 section of this forum. Is it possible to set up a situation where the block signal will be yellow when approaching a station or yard complex and not be green even though the track ahead is clear? There was one reply, tried it, but did not work. I possibly did something wrong or did not understand the explaination. Will try again to ask for this assistance now in a different area of the forum. Is it possible that this type of signal indication cannot be done? A yellow would be prototypically correct when entering a restricted speed area.

There must be at lease one Trainz Wizard who has the solution.


This depends on what signal you are using, I have many German signals that do this but as I do little signal work outside of that I wouldn't know. If you tell me what you are trying to use (the signal) I can see if I can't get it to do what you want.

I tried out lewisner's suggestion in your other post thread and I couldn't get it to work for me. What you might try is the Signal Details Rule which allows you to set the state of a signal manually or leave it on automatic. I have not tested this but it sounds like it ought to work for you.
Wilee (Wolfgang),

I use the "Signal USA 2" or "Signal USA" set and "JJS Gantry & Dwarf" sets. In other words, USA stuff.


Hate to sound stupid, I am not into much programming, but how would I be able to set just certain select signals by using the Signals Details Rule? The lewisner suggestion, although appreciaed, does not seem logical.

Thank you both for responding,

I got signal details rule and it doesn't seem to give me a choice, if someone could give that a walk through.

I use a work around, invisible signals, placing the two right on top of each other half a foot from the signal so you wount see it Green up and the invisible speed to cut its speed, works to simulate timers for my route as thats how they behave, if signals had menus like the German or the Default spanish ones that'd make things easier.
Well, it would appear that the Signal Details Rule is a rule that functions only in TRS2004, but not in TRS2006. In TRS2004 you simply activate the rule and make sure all the signals you wish to control are numbered. Save and go into Driver. In Driver, right click on the signal in question and a menu box opens and you select the choices that you want for that particular signal...the default is automatic, ie Trainz controlled.

This would be very useful for station order signals and such. I hope the author will consider an upgrade to TRS2006.
Just returned home, and tried one of the rules; set it to caution, and it stayed that way, never changing to red. Within the rule it said that AI drivers would consider it a stop signal. Guess Trainz 2006 is not perfect, but it sure is fun. Always ready for the newest, now waiting on Trainz Classics to be shipped.

Thank you all for responding,

For UK practice there are 2AT signals. 2AT= 2 aspect, terminating. ie they only display a red or a yellow. Bloodnok has some in his signal pack which I use, on DLS here. But I guess that AI would still treat them as red/yellow/green...
I real have interest in signals.
But i have other situation like this. I like to have a signal flashing yellow to when train aproach station know that going to the same line, and in this line exist a train stop, so the train going stop on back of other.

But exist another situation.
Every time that i have a signal like a Protect station signal and i put other next that only exist to autorized or not shunting the Protect Signal past a normal signal.
That situation are a bad sit... just because train don´t have a shunting restrict areas to trains can make shuntings.

Need Signals to:

Shunt Forbidden

Shunt allowed

Trainz Need a spline on tracks that say that from a trackmark A to B on track 1 is a shunting area and so on to the others tracks on station.

Like a MSTS have.

This is important to Trainz, because stations are all protect with signals, and they have a simple configuration.


For portugues Signals that have a base the French Signals lights you can see the greath site:

Thanks To Hugo Leandro