I have just uploaded a session for YardSwitchingCo 1a. You will be taking logs to and fence posts from Matchless Timber. All the items of rolling stock needed by the session will be downloaded from the Download Station when the session is installed.
In the Transfer Yard on the western side of the route you will find empty centerbeams and loaded log skeletons and flats:
The logs on the skeletons have to be sorted at the Dry Sort Yard. So take the skeletons to the Dry Sort and unload the logs on the southern side of the yard:
Reload the skeletons with logs on the north side of the yard. The logs on the flat cars have already been sorted out at the timber mill so there is no need to take them to the Dry Sort.
Take both the skeletons with the sorted logs and the flats to Matchless Timber. The skeletons will unload into the pond:
The flat cars will unload at the factory building. Remember that locomotives are not permitted under the canopy because of the limited clearance.
Load the centerbeams with fence posts. The cars will load when stationary between the triple yellow markers. Return the empty log cars and the loaded centerbeams to the Transfer Yard. Then contact the Dispatcher for your next assignment.
You will find that the Class 1 Railroad is running a very intensive schedule. You should expect to see AI trainz thundering past every two minutes or so. Be very careful with tracks on either side of the main station and keep off the track with concrete sleepers.
Maps and a readme will be found in the folder containing the session.
Look for this image on the Download Station:
This is the Dispatcher, out.
In the Transfer Yard on the western side of the route you will find empty centerbeams and loaded log skeletons and flats:

The logs on the skeletons have to be sorted at the Dry Sort Yard. So take the skeletons to the Dry Sort and unload the logs on the southern side of the yard:

Reload the skeletons with logs on the north side of the yard. The logs on the flat cars have already been sorted out at the timber mill so there is no need to take them to the Dry Sort.
Take both the skeletons with the sorted logs and the flats to Matchless Timber. The skeletons will unload into the pond:

The flat cars will unload at the factory building. Remember that locomotives are not permitted under the canopy because of the limited clearance.
Load the centerbeams with fence posts. The cars will load when stationary between the triple yellow markers. Return the empty log cars and the loaded centerbeams to the Transfer Yard. Then contact the Dispatcher for your next assignment.
You will find that the Class 1 Railroad is running a very intensive schedule. You should expect to see AI trainz thundering past every two minutes or so. Be very careful with tracks on either side of the main station and keep off the track with concrete sleepers.
Maps and a readme will be found in the folder containing the session.
Look for this image on the Download Station:

This is the Dispatcher, out.