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Have you ever tried installing invisible track on your map for high-altitude airplane flights? Have you also noticed that when you set the vertexes for the spline points of this sky track it is almost impossible to locate the spline points later on if you ever wanted to edit this track? Often track, if it is too long between spline points, will disappear even in Surveyor (except in map view). Often high-altitude vertex settings like 750-5,000 meters above ground level will be invisible also. Cascade, not long ago,mentioned using distinct houses to mark these spots to me but these will be visible in driver, of course.
Why not use invisible-in-Driver objects to permanently mark things in Surveyor that are hard to spot otherwise?
I finally got smart and marked my sky-high sky-track spline points on the ground with two pieces of red invisible track shaped like an X with the intersection of the two segments right at the spline point.
The problem is the Surveyor camera overhead looking down has a limited zoom height and will not "see" spline points, or their dotted circles and vertical dotted lines, if set too high off the ground.
The camera, can, however, in map view, or birds-eye view, even in Driver, easily spot motorway road and RR track courses in navy blue at virtually any height. The navy-blue X marks also show up clearly because they are formed from track objects.
Caution: when laying and positioning invisible spline objects as track to mark spots on the ground, be sure to hold the Shift key the whole time so the invisible track "marking tape" to draw the X on the map, if you will, does not join any other track that happens to be nearby. The X track will only serve human eyes to easily find things in Surveyor and have no other function when disconnected so drivable vehicles will ignore these X's in Driver so as not try to actually drive on them.
Use non-joined invisible-in-Driver-only (except map view) track to mark other hard-to-spot objects too like birds, animals and other objects visible only in a certain direction.
Don't forget that you can also use a red track mark placed on your X to name or describe the X as well. What is the X you made actually marking? Name the track mark "Coyote Pair" for the coyote animal object invisible at a certain angle, for example. Name the track mark "1,500 m" if you wish to annotate the vertex height of your sky track spline point for future reference.
Why not use invisible-in-Driver objects to permanently mark things in Surveyor that are hard to spot otherwise?
I finally got smart and marked my sky-high sky-track spline points on the ground with two pieces of red invisible track shaped like an X with the intersection of the two segments right at the spline point.
The problem is the Surveyor camera overhead looking down has a limited zoom height and will not "see" spline points, or their dotted circles and vertical dotted lines, if set too high off the ground.
The camera, can, however, in map view, or birds-eye view, even in Driver, easily spot motorway road and RR track courses in navy blue at virtually any height. The navy-blue X marks also show up clearly because they are formed from track objects.
Caution: when laying and positioning invisible spline objects as track to mark spots on the ground, be sure to hold the Shift key the whole time so the invisible track "marking tape" to draw the X on the map, if you will, does not join any other track that happens to be nearby. The X track will only serve human eyes to easily find things in Surveyor and have no other function when disconnected so drivable vehicles will ignore these X's in Driver so as not try to actually drive on them.
Use non-joined invisible-in-Driver-only (except map view) track to mark other hard-to-spot objects too like birds, animals and other objects visible only in a certain direction.
Don't forget that you can also use a red track mark placed on your X to name or describe the X as well. What is the X you made actually marking? Name the track mark "Coyote Pair" for the coyote animal object invisible at a certain angle, for example. Name the track mark "1,500 m" if you wish to annotate the vertex height of your sky track spline point for future reference.
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