Writeable Road Sign


New member
Hi all,

I am desperate for a highway or road sign large enough to read to which I can add my own street names.

I know they're out there, I just don't know what to look for.

If you can guide me please also tell me how to modify them.


Hi there

There is some that i used but can't remember the name or KUID of them, There highway signs with pointed ends that I used as route signs, they come in White, Blue, Green, Yellow, If I do remember right they were Dutch and the different colors were for highways, Public and Private roads.

There is other UK ones but not sure if there large enough for what you want but there name UK direction sign and the extra sign is UK direction post1

Will look up the Names for you and post tomorrow, atleast it will be easy to find now I have left a message

Hoping I can help

Hi all,

I am desperate for a highway or road sign large enough to read to which I can add my own street names.

I know they're out there, I just don't know what to look for.

If you can guide me please also tell me how to modify them.



Got an image and the size you want? I can knock you up a flat mesh if you are happy to reskin with paintshop pro or I could do you something that could be reskinned as a .bmp

Cheerio John
Nameable Street / Road Signs

Thanks guys for your generous offers. I have found a couple that I can use and figured out hou to do it. A little smaller then I was looking for but they will do and keep things in scale.

Thanks again,
