Lost near Carlisle or where is Currock Junction


New member
Hi all,
First post newbie question. Trying to complete the Carlisle Transfer session in TZ 2019. Instructions say "Proceed via Petteril Bridge, London Road, Bog and Forks Junction to Currock Junction".
Pressing "M" gives a map which identifies the first of these but no more.
Proceeding along the line obeying clear signals takes me through Carlisle and on till the line disappears.
How should I locate these places?
How do they relate to the red triangles with labels like "ULs3" or "BJdg"?
If There is a reference I haven't read please tell me.
Thanks for your time
Without having the S&C on my computer - Currock was found by Google maps to be a district of Carlisle and there is a junction seen nearby - worth a look.
Hello and welcome.

Currock Jn is to the south-west of Carlisle - its the name of a signal box - or should be, on the line to Maryport near the portals called MCUp and MCDown.
Thanks Both
By much use of the Roaming Camera I have found the places mentioned in the script.
For the benefit of any other newbies who try to follow this session, the route is set in the wrong direction at London road and you have to change onto the left hand track and ignore the "Un-signalled" track warning.
Thanks Stovepipe MCUp helped.
I can't say I'm enjoying Trainz.
Even the official help page is totally wrong on how to download things. Luckily someone complained in 2022 and added a note on what to actually do.
If Trainz 2019 is not maintained any more then it should be stated before they take your money.
Rant over
Happy New Year
Thanks chaps, that
will find points(switches) like BJ11b which helps but will not find places or signal boxes like Currock