Would this be a good laptop for 12 and T:ANE.

Will it run it? Yes, it will. At a decent frame rate? Nope. Can you edit a route in it? Probably, with some frustration of the occasional locking up and buffering, waiting, etc. I'd still suggest an i7 and a dedicated 2GB GPU, at least 8 GB of RAM, as a minimum. But, what do I know? I'm just a technician, dealing with computers, networks, databases, graphics, and building automation. We've started to require SSDs now, too. So, even though I didn't suggest it, you know what that means when the low end stuff at work is way better than before, you know you're behind the times.


You really want a Windows desktop PC (not a MAC or a DELL) ... Laptops get unusually hot, and HP laptops are one of the top worst genital sterilization units. Some get so hot they melt the CPU chip, and fry themselves, with a demanding video game like Trainz.

With a desktop, the video card is easy to replace, and desktop PC's run cooler and faster than every laptop on the market. A desktop can have a higher wattage power supply installed, and added fans, and even a water cooled system added ... You can't do any of that stuff on a laptop PC.
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A BigBox store (like BestBuy) gaming Windows desktop PC will cost you @ $800 or more, and will usually have lower end hardware inside.

You can retrofit an old desktop yourself, with a higher wattage power supply, and a $100 video card (some better video cards are $200 or much more), or have a gaming desktop built for you by a mail order Company
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Sounds good, any recommendations?

Have a dig on newegg.com look for machines with lots of positive reviews. Ideally i7 and something like a gtx 960. So http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227602 perhaps? You can narrow down the searches on newegg by CPU and GPU. You're looking at a $1,000 for a desktop but it should run TANE nicely. I'd hold off until we see exactly what the finished version of TANE requires, yes an i7 and CTX960 will run it but with a bit of luck something lower down the scale will also run it. It's a wait and see at the moment.

Cheerio John
Google "gaming pc", why go through a third party like Newegg.


EDIT: Don't get less than 600 watt power supply so you can upgrade the video card in the future.
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From my experience from using a Vista laptop, I must say that laptops are not as powerful as Desktops are. Laptops are ok if you wanna run old games from the Windows 98-XP era, but other then that, they aren't that good for any other game playing.

My Alienware M17X R3 Laptop says your wrong.


If you want a laptop to game on, then your going to have to quit looking at generics and pay for an Asus or Alienware.

I run Trainz on mine with the sliders up on full for most routes and have frame rates in the 20s and 30s
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Just think of the desktop you could get for the $2400 with at least a 27" monitor.

Something really potent! For $1000 I can get a desktop with a 27" monitor to give me 20-30's.

But to each his own.

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Just think of the desktop you could get for the $2400 with at least a 27" monitor.

Something really potent!

But to each his own.


True, but those of us that have 12 hours shifts over night where nothing happens are very happy with a gaming laptop.

It does come down to what a person wants. I can use it at home, and when I am off to work, I can take it with me and use it at work...without compromising the work's IT network by using my AT&T hotspot off my phone.

Someone dismissing laptops as being unable to run Trainz just shows their lack of knowledge in the laptop world.
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True, but those of us that have 12 hours shifts over night where nothing happens are very happy with a gaming laptop.

It does come down to what a person wants. I can use it at home, and when I am off to work, I can take it with me and use it at work...without compromising the work's IT network by using my AT&T hotspot off my phone.

Someone dismissing laptops as being unable to run Trainz just shows their lack of knowledge in the laptop world.

Laptops can run Trainz but are limited by heat considerations etc, its difficult to get liquid nitrogen cooling on a laptop. For the $ Desktops offer better price performance.

Cheerio John
Laptops can run Trainz but are limited by heat considerations etc, its difficult to get liquid nitrogen cooling on a laptop. For the $ Desktops offer better price performance.

Cheerio John

Mine has never had that problem.

Now some of your CHEAP laptops do...

The Alienware has never had an overheat problem. This is the third one I have owned from them and haven't had an overheat problem with any program I have used . I also know I am not the only one here using a laptop, Alienware or otherwise.

Each video card (2 of them in the laptop) and the CPU have their own fans.... definitly no overheat problem here.

Laptops can run Trainz and not give you third degree burns... just don't use a CHEAP laptop
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I just wanna point out that my Samsung Series 7 Chronos runs Trainz at 60+ fps and I don't get that big of a performance drop on large routes. It doesn't run hot at all either. All you have to do is buy smart and it will save you a lot of money.
True, but those of us that have 12 hours shifts over night where nothing happens are very happy with a gaming laptop.

It does come down to what a person wants. I can use it at home, and when I am off to work, I can take it with me and use it at work...without compromising the work's IT network by using my AT&T hotspot off my phone.

Someone dismissing laptops as being unable to run Trainz just shows their lack of knowledge in the laptop world.

I agree. My old Alienware M17 R2 did that for me for the same reason. While I was on watch there were hours on end with nothing going on and I did some Trainzing... This was also a great machine to take with me storm chasing as well because I made use of the on-van power while I used Trainz on our 4-hour rides through nothing.

The newer machines which are much lighter and smaller look very promising for road warrior Trainz use as long as they can withstand the heat and have decent graphics. The newer Asus units are surprisingly light, especially compared to my old M17x!
