Works for me...

G'day folks, not sure if this has been covered B4, apologies in advance

If you've used or are using M.I.N. then you'll know that.....
M.I.N = Multiple Industry New or is that Multiple Its Not.
As i cant get the other multiple load thingy to work, its M.I.N. for me.

Want to 'load' your favourite wagon with your favourite load multiple times in the same consist?

I do have a work around for a short consist.

In Content manager locate your 'wagon', open its config.txt file and note the default 'load' kuid.
Locate the default load kuid in Content manager, clone it, rename it e.g Load-A, save and commit it.
Clone the clone, re-name it Load-B, etc, etc

Clone the wagon, rename it wagon-A, change default load in the wagon config to Load - A's kuid Save & Commit.
Clone the wagon, rename it wagon-B, change its default load in the wagon config to Load - B's kuid

repeat as many times as for me now its M.I.N. = Multiple Is Now.

Regards Len