WOODS.....all welcome to post yours too

Nice woods! In the 50's that is where the kids played. Only went home when Ma called ya the third time for supper.

Cheers ....Rick

I remember the 50's well, and also remember Neighbors watching out for us. Boy have those days changed. I miss them.
Are you rolling the trees to lay them down?
Some of the them I'm rolling by pushing down the Shift key and rotating them in Surveyor to either tilt them or lay them down. Most of them didn't have the rotate range in the Config file, so I'd add this in:

rotate 1
rotate-yz-range -180,180

There are many trees by st_rmm and Roy's that this doesn't work though.
Both st_rmm and Roys have some "dead trees" that are already laying horizontally when placed in.
Those woods look like home to me. The best part is they look buggy. I can hear the crickets and grasshoppers buzzing and chirping away and I can feel the mosquitos nipping at my ears. The only thing missing is the poison ivy that manages to grow right along the edge of the ROW.

You are spot on with the color. Due to the moisture and rich soil, our trees and vegetation are green and really green.

Where I live, the purple loosestrife (fireweed) isn't as thick as it used to be near the wetlands. The government managed to put that under control because the pretty purple flowered plants were wiping out native vegetation along the waterways. By using sterile plants, this managed to cull the population a lot. We do still have some, such as along the pond in my backyard, but it's not as thick and destructive. Now if they could do that to the Japanese bittersweet vine, that would be super. That's a really destructive plant that has ruined many trees by choking them out.

This really is awesome. You have a lot mor patience than I do with when it comes to placing undergrowth. I've been going back and redoing my old route with it but it's nothing compared to what you have here.
Hi John,
That was very kind of you to take the time for such a nice comment. I know exactly what you're talking about when it comes to the fire weed and Japanese bittersweet vines. The fire weed is pretty to see but the Japanese viney stuff chokes everything else. Kudzu is same way. The government endorsed it and it took over everything. Down south they did they same thing with the "Bradford pear tree", which is an American name they gave to a nasty tree they imported from China that so many people are allergic to and it smells nasty.
Thanks for the feedback on the colors. I need to know these things to see if my eyes and brain are getting it right. The climate up north and somewhat high humidity, as you know in the summer really makes the greens look lush. I want these woods to look buggy and mosquito -ee , so that when you're on the right side of the cab with your head looking into the woods, you're glad you're inside and not getting bit by those pesky greenback flies that eat you up on Plum Island........and you know what that's like. Now I just need to figure out how to get fire flies going at dusk so they can dance around the swamps.

Here's another pic of the Mohawk River Bridge looking north east .

Thanks for the comment. Appreciate it !
Always a lot of downed trees along the wooded areas and some wild flowers here and there. In this region you get the purple fire weeds close to water and boggy spots.
Also putting the lighter colored shrubs / dead grass types closer to the track and go darker the deeper in the trees you get.
Which rmm's? There are so damn many lol..
Give me a few hours......days.......years.......and I'll list them. LOL....

Hang on ...and I'll get you a list of the tree type's.
Here we go:
Alder, Ash, Aspen, Basswood, Beech, Birch, Box elder, Cedar, Chestnut. Cyprus, Elm, Gum, Hazel, Hemlock, Laurel, Lilac, Maple, Oak, Pines, Popular, Spruce, Sycamore, Walnut, Willows, and various weeds (Kust) and wild flowers.
What's used depends on what's most abundant in the area I'm modeling and varies from county to county. I have a list of all the various types of vegetation and what the type environment they're found in, if anybody wants to see it.
You've probably seen the translation sheet that's been posted of the vegetation names from Russian to English, but if not , I'll post it here.
Here we go:
Alder, Ash, Aspen, Basswood, Beech, Birch, Box elder, Cedar, Chestnut. Cyprus, Elm, Gum, Hazel, Hemlock, Laurel, Lilac, Maple, Oak, Pines, Popular, Spruce, Sycamore, Walnut, Willows, and various weeds (Kust) and wild flowers.
What's used depends on what's most abundant in the area I'm modeling and varies from county to county. I have a list of all the various types of vegetation and what the type environment they're found in, if anybody wants to see it.
You've probably seen the translation sheet that's been posted of the vegetation names from Russian to English, but if not , I'll post it here.
lol I meant more the actual asset names but, thanks:cool::cool::cool:
The first pic is a night shot with the Gamma lighting adjusted from a different part of the route.....about 15 miles or so north. The 2nd is the patch of woods entering the Utica Marsh from the south end. Maybe a " show me your swamp" thread would be more popular. ....We'll see.
The first pic is a night shot with the Gamma lighting adjusted from a different part of the route.....about 15 miles or so north. The 2nd is the patch of woods entering the Utica Marsh from the south end. Maybe a " show me your swamp" thread would be more popular. ....We'll see.
Deep Shadows look really good.
@JimDep, have you tested framerates going through forest as dense as this seems to be - ie. normal and natural? This looks so real compared to what we usually see that I'm curious what the effect on preformance might be.
Thanks, the gamma adjustment on the monitor helps to get that full moon type lighting effect for night runs. I wish it could still be adjusted in the software itself instead of having to do it this way.

I've never delved into Gamma before that I can remember, so I looked this up on Web, going to give it a shot and see what happens.

I am Neophyte on this one. Learn something new everyday. Thank you for sharing Sir. ;)
@JimDep, have you tested framerates going through forest as dense as this seems to be - ie. normal and natural? This looks so real compared to what we usually see that I'm curious what the effect on performance might be.
I'm keeping the framerates smooth going through the wooded areas. Since I have a low end PC by today's standards, the performance has to be good. How that's being done is by mixing in trees that have very few triangles and other factors that would effect the frame rates. In this pic below from "Asset Island" are tree called "baum" on the dls and the author is "niffi". This is just one example of bill board type trees that are easy on the frame rates. I've edited these to make them darker, changed the main pic in the files on some from pics of the actual trees I've found, and for some of them, I thinned out the trunk and branches to make them real skinny.
They mix in well for thick woods, and then add the rotation numbers in the Config so the can be tilted and laid flat. These rotation numbers don't work, however on many of these trees, for some unknown reason. Anyway, back to the point, for example, these "baums" have only 8 triangles compared to the usual st_rmm's or Roy's that have well over 2000 triangles. So the good looking trees with the high triangles are usually closest to the tracks and then spread out through the woods, with the lightest ones ( usually) the closest to the tracks and the dark ones are placed more in the middle and the back, giving it a nice 3D effect for deep woods. I've edited the colors on these trees to make that work. There are some trees, like the "Ultra Maples" , Ultra Broadleaf, " ect that I don't use anymore because the triangle numbers are riduculously high.
So.... Below are the very simple baum trees, for example to fill in the woods.
Last edited:

I've never delved into Gamma before that I can remember, so I looked this up on Web, going to give it a shot and see what happens.

I am Neophyte on this one. Learn something new everyday. Thank you for sharing Sir. ;)
Thanks for sharing the gamma info. I'll take a close look at it shortly. I'm a mental midget when it comes to this, so within the last year, I found a night setting I liked out of pure trial and error of adjusting the gamma along with the brightness of the screen. I found a combo that works for me, but that might just be for this SONY TV screen used for my monitor. I have no way of knowing how this would work on another screen.