Will the Flying scoutsman ever visit the US again?


The Flying Scotsman visited the US a long time ago. Do you think it'll come back to visit the USA?

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It is extremely unlikely unless for a VERY special occasion. And, honestly, given what they did to her when it came to the US (see picture), I wouldn't really want it to. That was an act of butchery.
Yea . I would have to agree with flyboy559 . Would be great to see her , but what they'd have to do . Makes improbable . And not anything like she is at home ,:)

The expense of just shipping it over here would be enormous. That, and like flyboy said, there'd have to be an appropriate reason.
Whatever the reason was for that visit back then, I doubt it would be enough today to even warrant the thought.

As for the additions they made, those were unfortunately safety requirements. Without those, the Flying Scotsman wouldn't have been allowed to tour the US by its own power. All US motive power needed an appropriate whistle, bell, high-powered headlight, and pilot. Though, that pilot doesn't look like it'd be able to withstand much.
Hi Everybody.
The Flying Scotsman was permanently shipped to the United States in the 1990s under private ownership. However, there seems to have been insufficient interest in her running to produce a profit and the owners eventually went bankrupt. The locomotive was left to decay until it was bought by the British National Railway museum, shipped back to the Uk and restored at a cost of over six million pounds paid for by British taxpayers.

The Flying Scotsman therefore now belongs to the British nation and therefore will in all probability never leave these shores again.

Pretty sure it was much earlier than the 90s and it was never meant to stay permanently. It did stay longer than expected though as the owner went bankrupt whilst it was over there. It will never happen again, I don't think, as it was such a disaster last time. The shipping costs would be enormous...having said that, can you give us Dwight D. Eisenhower back on a permanent basis? We'll happily trade you this Alco for it...

(Also- I never knew it made it as far south as Mexico- did it get very far over the border?)
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Hi Everybody.
The Flying Scotsman was permanently shipped to the United States in the 1990s under private ownership. However, there seems to have been insufficient interest in her running to produce a profit and the owners eventually went bankrupt. The locomotive was left to decay until it was bought by the British National Railway museum, shipped back to the Uk and restored at a cost of over six million pounds paid for by British taxpayers.

The Flying Scotsman therefore now belongs to the British nation and therefore will in all probability never leave these shores again.


Now as as I've said before go away and research the subject properly, you can't even get the correct year, unbelivable!

In 1969 Flying Scotsman headed for America. The first year tour broke even, but the second lost money. To try to balance the books Pegler arranged for the train to travel to San Francisco. Trading was good but sponsorship didn’t materialise. Alan Pegler was forced into bankruptcy and for now at least, Scotsman was stranded in the USA. However, in 1973 Flying Scotsman was brought back to the UK after William McAlpine heard about the situation in the USA and promptly put together a rescue plan.
Following a successful tour of Australia, Scotsman ran special trains around Britain. In 1993 it received an interim overhaul and pop impresario Pete Waterman bought a 50% stake in it. In February 1996 businessman Tony Marchington bought Scotsman outright for £1.25 million.

Hi clam1952
Now as as I've said before go away and research the subject properly, you can't even get the correct year, unbelivable!

In 1969 Flying Scotsman headed for America. The first year tour broke even, but the second lost money. To try to balance the books Pegler arranged for the train to travel to San Francisco. Trading was good but sponsorship didn’t materialise. Alan Pegler was forced into bankruptcy and for now at least, Scotsman was stranded in the USA. However, in 1973 Flying Scotsman was brought back to the UK after William McAlpine heard about the situation in the USA and promptly put together a rescue plan.
Following a successful tour of Australia, Scotsman ran special trains around Britain. In 1993 it received an interim overhaul and pop impresario Pete Waterman bought a 50% stake in it. In February 1996 businessman Tony Marchington bought Scotsman outright for £1.25 million.

Clam1952, with every respect to your above posting , but I feel there is little need to get your "blood pressure raised" over a slip on my keyboard. My above posting was supposed to say 1960s not 1990s, so quoting David Cameron in the House of Commons " calm down dear, calm down".:D

I was not so much interested in the dates and events as pointing out that the Flying Scotsman now belongs to the British Nation and as such will in all probability never leave these shores again. In the forgoing the matter cannot be researched as you suggest as we are speculating on future events that only those with a crystal ball may have true knowledge of

So unless you have one clam?

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Wow! I saw the title of this thread and I was going to post that I'm almost 100% sure that B-P did visit the United States in 1912, and perhaps later. :p

As for the Flying Scotsman -- well, I feel there are certain things that MUST remain "at home". I would be totally shocked and dismayed to find that the Liberty Bell was going on a world tour. Same with the Flying Scotsman -- they mean too much to their countries. In my opinion, of course.
I remember when it did tour the US. I was all of 8 on the first go around and 12 on the second. :)

With the pilot, light and Janney couple on the front, the locomotive looks almost like an Australian locomotive of some sort.
I see it says:-

"conquering yet another record as the oldest mainline working locomotive on Britain’s tracks."

I guess that is like the proverbial axe, It's had four new shafts and two new heads but it's still my granddad's axe.

I actually looked this up ages ago when people were arguing about it of one of the Railway forums, of the original loco not a lot!

From the NRM here http://blog.nrm.org.uk/how-much-flying-scotsman-original/ Quote is from the end of the article.
So the question of much of Flying Scotsman is original? Well, it mainly consists of the rear two thirds of the frames, part of the cab sides and some parts of the motion and possibly the driving wheel splashers.
I actually looked this up ages ago when people were arguing about it of one of the Railway forums, of the original loco not a lot!

From the NRM here http://blog.nrm.org.uk/how-much-flying-scotsman-original/ Quote is from the end of the article.

This sounds like a lot like those classic cars we see on the road too, and like those classic cars I'm sure there's lots of Bondo too to cover over quite a bit of rusty bits. :)
60008 Dwight D. Eisenhower should be brought back to Britain permanently, it would get more appreciation over here than it gets in the states.
(and they'll probably go and paint it the wrong colour again) :p
People here in Gt Britain are happy and proud of the Flying Scotsman and it's outstanding history but why didn't it catch on over in America?
Having read this so far, I will say this( as we say here in the U.S):"Money talks and B.S. walks."
What I me by that is if someone with enough money wanted to spend(their) money to get The Scotsman in the U.S. again it would probably could be arranged.
I am talking stupid money, Like 10's of millions$.Oh and I am talking money up front.
Insurance would most likely in the millions just to start.

Not trying to start any wars here, Just saying.
I think if the U.S. wanted to make a trade deal over Flying Scotsman, they would "Have to go to the back of the queue" (Obama 2016) :p
I remember when it did tour the US. I was all of 8 on the first go around and 12 on the second. :)

With the pilot, light and Janney couple on the front, the locomotive looks almost like an Australian locomotive of some sort.


Oh John, come over here for a holiday and take a closer look. :wave:

(In fact, now that they have put smoke deflectors on it, it actually somewhat resembles this or that Australian loco. )