Widescreen Driverfov and Cabinfov


Still Learning
Can anyone comment on the following quote from the "UK Branch Line" forum.......


I was browsing the forums this afternoon and came across a post about wide-screen monitors. Now, adjusting the trainzoptions file to reflect the resolution of a wide-screen monitor is only half of the job!

To show the view correctly you need to modify the field-of-view (FOV) to accommodate the increased horizontal size. The values you need to use are:


These values are good for any 16:10 aspect wide-screen monitor.

Now, some monitors are 16:9 aspect so you'll need different values:


Adding these lines to your trainzoptions file will display everything correctly apart from the main menu screens which will appear to be stretched horizontally.

Before you edit your file, make a backup and put it in a safe place just in case something goes horribly wrong. If you use Trainz 2004 then you can simply use the editor in TrainzObjects to add the necessary info.


Has anyone heard of this? I am so far unable to identify the original post, but to keep me from wasting my time, I thought I would ask the wise folks here.:confused: