Can't get an image to appear on the DSL lately though the ones with the grey boxes are identical ( except for pic name ) in the config to those which show a pic.
Any ideas on why some show & some just cone up with a grey box
Would it not be better if the DLS did not accept items which have no description, or a very non-specific one?
With some items the pic is not close enough to detect any detail. Perhaps this is another thing the DLS should be more strict about?
Well when you upload content you can choose in the preview area if you want to go for the Auran approvement or not(waitingroom) In the preview area you can also see how your content will be uploaded. So when you see a grey box in the preview area then delete this upload and try a new one. When it is already in the waitingroom then the best thing you can do is to mail Auran to asked to cancel the upload.
In the preview area you can see if the box is grey or with a picture.
Well i dont know how you add the thumnail in your route. But when you did a copy from another route things can go bad.
The best thing to do when adding a thumbnail you need to edit your route in the CMP
So open your CMP then edit your route in CCP(Content creator Plus)
in the left box you will see a folder named map with his sub folders.
select the map folder with your left mouse button. Now you can add several fuctions to your config. In this case select Add a thumbnails. Afther that you see a menu where you can select an image (button with also 3 points) by press this button. Now you can select your picture(240*180)
afther that you also need to fill in the with and height. Afther that you can save and thats it. be aware that you thumbnail is 240 * 180
I did this on the same way and i had no problems. But if you copy some rules form the config from another route you can have sometimes problems. I did that once and the thumbnail you could see on my comp and in the CMP, but when i tryed to upload the route i saw a grey box.
I've tried typing the config in as well as copying in one & neither came up with a pic but both show a pic & description in the game.So if the y both use the config to show the info why is it dropped off when uploaded to the DLS.
The 2 modules I've just uploaded have shown up without pics or descriptions I've just checked them in CMP & both show descriptions & pics when viewed in CCP or the config file in explorer.
So is there a bug in the upload process which tends to drop off these files sometimes as they don't seem to always be upload as they should?