Where we are all, really?


since 10 Aug 2002
Over at Planet Auran, under the Community statistics, there is a list giving the totals by country and country code of where the more than half a million Trainzers are located.

Is this all from self reported data? The top locations are not surprising but some of the smaller ones are interesting, to say the least. A shout-out to all the places with 20 and fewer members, Myanmar, Christmas Island, Korea (North), Palau and 44 others. Makes Antarctica with 131 members seem pretty crowded by comparison. Of course it doesn't help when some areas are represented twice, once by name and again by letter code each with its own total.
North Koreans, better ensure that they do not get caught playing trainz, they have just executed about 60 people for looking at western television. They could be a bit quicker with people playing with Western Trains, it could lead to the fall of empire.
North Koreans, better ensure that they do not get caught playing trainz, they have just executed about 60 people for looking at western television. They could be a bit quicker with people playing with Western Trains, it could lead to the fall of empire.

probably the ones that make the rules...