Where are the drivers?


New member
I started out SO fine, making my own worlds, high speed tracks and all and had up to 5 drivers in my little senario, all of them doing the little things drivers suppose to do. Then I installed sp1 and WHAM no drivers are around anymore.... ? . Is this just me or are there more of you whom had expirienced the same thing? The sad thing is, after reading the manual back and forth with no help in it, I can't find the little boggers anywhere???

So where did they go? I mean, before I installed SP1 I had drivers in every engine as soon as I hit CTRL + F2 (from surveys mode...). Now I have none, exept me offcause, but I can't be programed to do all this stuff....

Anyone expiriensed the same thing? I can't even find ANY drivers in any of the sessions in driver either....

Please help... I'm really stuck on this one....

The lost drivers, are they killed or just lost?

Bad install of SP1, you'll need to uninstall TRS2006 and start again I'm afraid. There are multiple threads with specific instructions.

If you are missing the Drivers then it's more than likely a faulty install of SP1. Did you install SP1 on a fresh install of TRS2006 without any custom content installed? Did you also make sure that after you've finished installing TRS2006 that you didn't run it and applied the patch to SP1? Have you followed the directions provided in this thread?


OK, I'll try that. Thanks a lot. Anyone knows whats this all about? Why, sort of..? This time I'll install the trs2k6 and then SP1 at once. Crossing my fingers here...

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