Whats the best Trainz version to use?

it's like having a GraKa, always the latest driver. I use only one version TANE Beta SF1 HF3 Build 82340.
That you work intensively on improvements by N3V ....:)
I have long since removed TS2009, TS2010 and all those that preceded them in my header line. TS12 will eventually go the same way. Always move forward and never keep looking back.

I appreciate that there are some who do not have the technology to move forward, but if you do then make the move.

There are people who still use Windows XP and refuse to move on. For the record I quite liked Windows Vista, a character "flaw" according to some, but quickly moved onto Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and now 10. I am looking forward to Windows 10 SP1 when it is released in June.

or The New Era
I keep both T:ANE and TS12 on my laptop. I had removed TS12, 2009 and 2010, but restored TS12 when I realized how useful it is to prepare content for importing into T:ANE. This is the only reason I keep TS12 around.
TRS2006 for simplicity, and use on low end PC's

TS12 for allot of DLC that will not work in lower versions, and it is the most uncomplicated, bug free version
Best to use?

Hard to say, because all trainz versions need different pc's to work ... TANE will not work on a 32bit and low graphic video platform, where as trainz 3.1 will make on all platforms!

The "best" Trainz version of all time was undoubtedly TS2010 as it accumulated all the content and routes from previous versions, including compatability mode.

That said, things move on and last time I loaded up TS2010 to build a route it was surprising how aged it felt. Crude terrain textures which even at the most concentrated setting looked pixelated, garish looking track and roads floating off the ground surface and of course the ever present risk of splines becoming broken at interactive objects. TS2010 has also been off support for some time now, so no uploading content to the DLS.

Certainly for anyone coming into Trainz it has to be said that, providing you have the hardware, TANE is looking like the best option. With TS12 rapidly approaching life cycle end (and no sign of an extension from N3V) TANE will effectively be the only officially supported (PC) version. Many of the bugs in TS2010 persisted into TS12 with the added pain of the final versions having a very buggy and almost unusable CMP.

My perception of TANE is evolving especially now I have a laptop that can run it somewhat better in Surveyor. Yes there are considerable bugs remaining, the whole sorry history does no real credit to N3V, it still doesn't look anything like the target graphics and shouldn't need anything like the hardware actually needed to run. However the appeal of procedural track, no more broken splines, splines now sitting correctly on the ground, some of the new and excellent trees (the ST_RMM range for one) really starts to make it the first choice in the Trainz world.
I use TS12 SP1 the most, since you can get the most content on it and get barely any lag.

I do play TS2009 sometimes but very rarely.

So i would go for TS12 SP1 if you're computer can't handle TANE like mine does.
I would think that once you own TS12 ... 10 and 09 would not have any merits at all to operate in

TRS2004, and below, are totally Jurassic period, antiquated versions (although Mezzoprezzo does wonders with it) !

TRS2006 does have some low end PC merits
TS12 for me, though TS2006 would be nice, it stutters and freezes at times for some reason on my machine.

Can't say it's the very best as I've not tried anything but 06, 12 and T:ANE(Which I can't even run).

But to be honest, not bias, TS2006 is good if you have performance issues with TS12, if you have a reasonable PC(Nothing super special) TS12 might be just for you..
Not true. You mean a modern desktop or computer or gaming laptop, which is the requirement for most games these days.
I agree. I have a HP ENVY 15, a nice low-end business and multimedia laptop, hardly state-of-the-art or even specialized for gaming, that runs T:ANE acceptably well. Okay, the frame rate is very slow when using trackside camera view as a steam engine whizzes by, but generally the performance is acceptable--acceptable enough that I am not going to run out to purchase the latest and greatest gaming computer...not quite yet.

In fact, I did a comparison between TS12, set at maximum graphics levels comparable to T:ANE (as close as possible), and I experienced BETTER performance from T:ANE...no joke!
I agree. I have a HP ENVY 15, a nice low-end business and multimedia laptop, hardly state-of-the-art or even specialized for gaming, that runs T:ANE acceptably well. Okay, the frame rate is very slow when using trackside camera view as a steam engine whizzes by, but generally the performance is acceptable--acceptable enough that I am not going to run out to purchase the latest and greatest gaming computer...not quite yet.

In fact, I did a comparison between TS12, set at maximum graphics levels comparable to T:ANE (as close as possible), and I experienced BETTER performance from T:ANE...no joke!

I have found similar performance as well with T:ANE versus TS12 with all things considered.

I took a look at the HP ENVY 15, but I was concerned with heat, though it isn't a bad machine overall. I also had concerns with HP as I've been burned by them in the past. It was probably my luck at the time, and it was in a business. Having owned an Alienware previously, I opted for that instead. I don't run out and purchase laptops annually and like the old 17Mx it will last me for at least 6 years or more.

Apart from... *COUGH* T:ANE... :o... that's for... the super computer holders.. :o....

I agree with SuperSpeed, my computer is a Windows 7 but it still can handle every single game thrown at it, the only one that it can't handle is TANE, because it's for the people who own better computers and have modified them to be super gaming rigs, the only modification i can do to mine is a graphics card.

Also, newer Windows's are way more expensive, my Windows 7 was only around 300 pounds, newer ones cost more then 500 pounds, plus i find the Windows 7 super easy to use.

Also for those that say TANE runs smoother then TS12, that is rubbish, my computer with it's NVIDIA Geforce 210 with both games graphics set to the lowest, TS12 surprisingly holds up well with around 12 FPS, which isn't that much but still smooth for me, sometimes it gets lag spikes when it loads new areas but that's not a problem either, TANE on the other hand with all the graphics set to the lowest, i can't even play the game and keeps coming up with a error that says "renderer the initialization has failed" which means that my computer isn't good enough for it, which is stupid seeing they told us in the update videos they had improved the game engine so that it works with low end computers, good job N3V.

Get all Trainz versions except TANE unless you have a super gaming rig computer.
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"Also for those that say TANE runs smoother then TS12, that is rubbish, my computer with it's NVIDIA Geforce 210 with both games graphics set to the lowest,..."

Have you ever thought of updating your graphics card? A Geforce 210 is now about 8 years old. I had one back in 2008 and it crashed under its warranty period. EVGA replaced it then with a then new GTX480.

Here's where it stands according to PassMark


It's even below the Intel built 4600 chip.