What is the command to order an AI driver to a turntable?: AI Sessions


Well-known member
He has to know how to get to any specific turntable located on the route by name from wherever he is at, of course.

I want the train vehicle positioned correctly on the turntable before ordering him to move the table also.

I am experimenting with the speeders to be driven via AI command. I have installed these neat little invisible speeder turntables for flipping these little cars around.

Is a trackmark even required to get a speeder driver in position on a turntable?

Using the Drive To command, the turntables are not listed but trackside industries are.

I have InputTable rule installed as well as the Move Table command installed also.

I need the SOP for travelling to turntables.
The reason why the turntable is not listed is because it is not an industry. You also need to put a trackmark on the turntable to get the speeder onto the turntable. Determining where to put the trackmark on the turntable will take some trial and error, as the speeder will not stop at the trackmark, but will come to a stop beyond the trackmark.
Hope this helps.
OK, I see now. I thought as much but had to be sure. AI jocks need those red cone-shaped marks to position their train onto the turntable even. AI drivers don't recognize their presence on the route otherwise. In my experience, AI-controlled vehicles stop with their front bumper or cowcatcher right at the edge of the range indicator (looks like a double opposing pie-slice sector) of the track marker visible in Surveyor which has a minimum setting of 20m, I think. While setting a session up for this, I will have to put a speeder dead center on the turntable and position the track marker range sector from there. Not to hard. I use this same method to get AI trains to stop at precise locations on station platforms. Got you, Jordan.

I will start calling the brightly-colored track markers "AI candy" just to be cute. :wave: The AI drivers seem to rely upon those things like a baby relies on candy to be satisfied.

I was just wondering if the turntable itself should have the function of a track marker by its own design.
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The 'setting of 20m' you refer to is called the 'trigger radius'. This can be changed under the 'advanced' tab where you add trackmarks. I've gone down to a trigger radius of 1 meter and not have problems.
I set my radius to .05 and sure enough, it works. In fact, I set this radius on all my turnouts to gain accuracies The place where the vehicle stops is at the bogie, not the front of it, and almost every vehicle has it different than the other, so again, trial and error is the rule here. I am curious on what to do after in order of moving the turntable.