What happened to Sodor Island 3D?!?!

I know the people that run si3d.co.nr are busy people and all, but...
What the heck HAPPENED to that website? Like seriously, the last model they made was Duncan I think, around Christmas time... and that was nearly a year ago!!! I've even looked at their official forums page, yet still there is nothing!
If anyone that runs the place or is associated with Si3D, please tell me what happened to it:(

Yeah, consider posting on the SI3D forums instead. Talking about Thomas here will likely result in you or someone else receiving an infraction or ban. The rules are stricter now.
Try there newer 2012 models. The 06 models are quite outdated at this point.
EDIT: Seeing how I didn't fully read the darn post, and though the poster was asking about the 06 models. The SI3D team has been quiet since christmas. Not a model has been spoken from there lips.
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