What Do You Guys Think?


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Do you guys think this will ever be restored?
Future Restoration

It is certainly not beyond reasonable belief that a locomotive such as this will be restored in the future, excepting a major societal change. That said, yes, somebody will want to restore one at some future date. We steam fans can merely hope that they are not confronted with a regulatory environment such as the one that exists today concerning some of "standard" materials or practices of manufacturing that were in use when our beloved machines were built. I would find some strict future regulation, concerning something like electromagnetic radiation exposure or hydrocarbon exposure, completely believable. If you really want to think about the future, or scare yourself, look at early science fiction and compare it to what actually happened.
every place there ever was any kind of guideway based passenger transportation will someday be 'restored' with SOME kind of guideway based passenger transportation, and then some. but it may take a while, and take forms not yet familiar. or perhapse remarkably simular to those that are, at least superfischially. certainly when the day comes that the car is no longer practical for most of us. a day i won't even begin to atempt to predict when, but with complete confidence do predict that a day will ultimately come that it will, yes, you'll be seeing, or whoever of us lives long enough, or our grand kinds if our species survives or whatever, a LOT of intrest, enthusiasm and support, for whatever forms of mechanical transportation WILL then be practical or even doable, and i would imagine there's a pretty good chance that will be SOME kinds of something rather like trains of some sort in some sense of the word.

I hope too, but I think it may happen a lot sooner then we think thanks to H.R. 6003 Rail Investment and Improvement Act. So far it's passed the House on June 11 of this year and has to go through the next phases Voted by the Senate,Considered by the President, and the Bill becomes a law. Well lets hope this rolls down the tracks smoothly for the Sunset and for the other trains
Well, if NARP has their way, it'll be back. With reinforcements. (NOTE: IT LINKS TO A .PDF [Adobe Acrobat Reader document]; mods, please let me know if I need to change the link! :wave:)

This we need. :D :D
Oh by the way themain reason why I choose a picture of a P40DC leading the Sunset cause the P40DCs will mark the 15th anniversary of the beginning of the genesis locomotive series and when the Sunset ran all the way from California to Florida. Don't know what they are going to do with the rest of the P40DC series that have been stored.
Wow this is random. Just the other day I was watching a video about the Sunset Limited's accident. Even after watching that video I feel that she should be restored. A high class train from California to Florida is so hard to find.
Guys I've been hearing that part of the Mobile station in Alabama was torn down. Is that true or is it another rumor that was spread by someone that doesn't know what they are talking about?
Oh well, in terms of Mobile, Alabama. Anyway, I would love to see service restored to Florida. I would love to ride the Sunset one day to California. Maybe a collaborative effort to improve timing would really help the train, ridership, and the company.